§ 567. Distribution of information concerning benefits of title  

Latest version.
  • (a) Distribution of information by Secretary concerned

    The Secretary concerned shall issue to servicemembers information explaining the provisions of this title [sections 561 to 571 of this Appendix].

    (b) Application forms

    The Secretary concerned shall provide application forms to servicemembers requesting relief under this title [sections 561 to 571 of this Appendix].

    (c) Information from Secretary of the Interior

    The Secretary of the Interior shall furnish to the Secretary concerned information explaining the provisions of this title [sections 561 to 571 of this Appendix] (other than sections 501, 510, and 511) [sections 561, 570, and 571 of this Appendix] and related application forms.

(Oct. 17, 1940, ch. 888, title V, § 507, as added Pub. L. 108–189, § 1, Dec. 19, 2003, 117 Stat. 2857.)

Prior Provisions

Prior Provisions

A prior section 567, acts Oct. 17, 1940, ch. 888, art. V, § 507, 54 Stat. 1188; Pub. L. 102–12, § 9(22), Mar. 18, 1991, 105 Stat. 41, related to right to take action for perfection and defense of rights as unaffected, and affidavits and proofs, prior to the general amendment of this Act by Pub. L. 108–189. See section 566 of this Appendix.