Remova lDescription
Section 150aa, [Pub. L. 85–36, title I, § 102], May 23, 1957, [71 Stat. 31], defined terms as used in this chapter.
Section 150bb, [Pub. L. 85–36, title I, § 103], May 23, 1957, [71 Stat. 32]; [Pub. L. 97–461, § 1(a)], Jan. 12, 1983, [96 Stat. 2523]; [Pub. L. 100–449, title III, § 301(f)(1)], Sept. 28, 1988, [102 Stat. 1868]; [Pub. L. 103–465, title IV, § 431(c)(1)], Dec. 8, 1994, [108 Stat. 4967], prohibited movement of plant pests into or through the United States or interstate.
Section 150cc, [Pub. L. 85–36, title I, § 104], May 23, 1957, [71 Stat. 32]; [Pub. L. 100–449, title III, § 301(f)(2)], Sept. 28, 1988, [102 Stat. 1869]; [Pub. L. 103–465, title IV, § 431(c)(2)], Dec. 8, 1994, [108 Stat. 4967], prohibited mailing of plant pests.
Section 150dd, [Pub. L. 85–36, title I, § 105], May 23, 1957, [71 Stat. 32]; [Pub. L. 97–98, title XI, § 1119(1)], Dec. 22, 1981, [95 Stat. 1272], authorized emergency measures to prevent dissemination of plant pests.
Section 150ee, [Pub. L. 85–36, title I, § 106], May 23, 1957, [71 Stat. 33], authorized promulgation of regulations requiring inspection of products and articles.
Section 150ff, [Pub. L. 85–36, title I, § 107], May 23, 1957, [71 Stat. 34]; [Pub. L. 90–578, title IV, § 402(b)(2)], Oct. 17, 1968, [82 Stat. 1118]; [Pub. L. 97–98, title XI, § 1119(2)], Dec. 22, 1981, [95 Stat. 1273]; [Pub. L. 101–650, title III, § 321], Dec. 1, 1990, [104 Stat. 5117], authorized warrantless stops and inspections and entries with warrants for inspections and seizures.
Section 150gg, [Pub. L. 85–36, title I, § 108], May 23, 1957, [71 Stat. 34]; [Pub. L. 97–461, § 1(b)], Jan. 12, 1983, [96 Stat. 2523], set forth criminal and civil penalties.
Section 150hh, [Pub. L. 85–36, title I, § 109], May 23, 1957, [71 Stat. 34], related to separability of provisions.
Section 150ii, [Pub. L. 85–36, title I, § 111], May 23, 1957, [71 Stat. 34], provided that authority conferred by this chapter was to be in addition to that conferred by other statutes.
Section 150jj, [Pub. L. 85–36, title I, § 111], May 23, 1957, [71 Stat. 35], provided that nothing in this chapter was to amend or repeal provisions of the Plant Quarantine Act.
Short Title
Short Title
[Pub. L. 85–36, title I, § 101], May 23, 1957, [71 Stat. 31], provided that title I of [Pub. L. 85–36], which enacted this chapter and provisions set out as a note under [section 147a of this title], amended [section 149 of this title], and repealed sections 141 to 144 and 441 of this title, could be cited as the “Federal Plant Pest Act”, prior to repeal by [Pub. L. 106–224, title IV, § 438(a)(2)], June 20, 2000, [114 Stat. 454].