§ 9052. Calculation of average feed cost and actual dairy production margins  

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  • (a) Calculation of average feed costThe Secretary shall calculate the national average feed cost for each month using the following data:(1) The price of corn for a month shall be the price received during that month by farmers in the United States for corn, as reported in the monthly Agricultural Prices report by the Secretary.(2) The price of soybean meal for a month shall be the central Illinois price for soybean meal, as reported in the Market News–Monthly Soybean Meal Price Report by the Secretary.(3) The price of alfalfa hay for a month shall be the price received during that month by farmers in the United States for alfalfa hay, as reported in the monthly Agricultural Prices report by the Secretary. (b) Calculation of actual dairy production margin(1) In generalFor use in the margin protection program, the Secretary shall calculate the actual dairy production margin for each consecutive 2-month period by subtracting—(A) the average feed cost for that consecutive 2-month period, determined in accordance with subsection (a); from(B) the all-milk price for that consecutive 2-month period.(2) Time for calculation

    The calculation required by this subsection shall be made as soon as practicable using the full-month price of the applicable reference month.

(Pub. L. 113–79, title I, § 1402, Feb. 7, 2014, 128 Stat. 689.)