Section 615jjj, [Pub. L. 92–514, title II, § 201], Oct. 20, 1972, [86 Stat. 966], authorized construction, operation, and maintenance of Brantley project, Pecos River Basin, New Mexico.
Section 615kkk, [Pub. L. 92–514, title II, § 202], Oct. 20, 1972, [86 Stat. 966], related to conservation and development of fish and wildlife resources and the enhancement of recreational opportunities in connection with this project.
Section 615lll, [Pub. L. 92–514, title II, § 203], Oct. 20, 1972, [86 Stat. 967], provided that nothing in [Pub. L. 92–514], enacting sections 615aaa to 615jjjj of this title, amend, repeal, or modify the Pecos River Compact, 1948.
Section 615mmm, [Pub. L. 92–514, title II, § 204], Oct. 20, 1972, [86 Stat. 967], related to repayment of costs for flood control, dam safety, recreation, and fish and wildlife enhancement.
Section 615nnn, [Pub. L. 92–514, title II, § 205], Oct. 20, 1972, [86 Stat. 967], related to interest rates.
Section 615ooo, [Pub. L. 92–514, title II, § 206], Oct. 20, 1972, [86 Stat. 967]; [Pub. L. 96–375, § 11], Oct. 3, 1975, [94 Stat. 1507], authorized appropriations for this project.