Section 616ii, [Pub. L. 88–568, § 2], Sept. 2, 1964, [78 Stat. 852], authorized construction and operation of Savery-Pot Hook project, Colorado-Wyoming, and Bostwick Park and Fruitland Mesa projects, Colorado.
Section 616jj, [Pub. L. 88–568, § 3], Sept. 2, 1964, [78 Stat. 852], provided that provisions of act Aug. 28, 1958 ([72 Stat. 963]), relating to Seedskadee project in Wyoming are applicable to these projects and set an acreage limitation for lands held in single ownership for reception of project water.
Section 616kk, [Pub. L. 88–568, § 4], Sept. 2, 1964, [78 Stat. 852], related to recreational and fish and wildlife facilities and transfer of lands to be administered by Secretary of Agriculture as a national forest.
Section 616ll, [Pub. L. 88–568, § 5], Sept. 2, 1964, [78 Stat. 853], related to restriction on delivery of water for production of excessive basic commodities.
Section 616mm, [Pub. L. 88–568, § 1], Sept. 2, 1964, [78 Stat. 852], authorized appropriations for these projects.