§ 300u. General authority of Secretary
§ 300u–1. Grants and contracts for research programs; authority of Secretary; review of applications; additional functions; periodic public survey
§ 300u–2. Grants and contracts for community health programs
§ 300u–3. Grants and contracts for information programs; authority of Secretary; particular activities
§ 300u–4. Status reports to President and Congress; study of health education and preventive health services with respect to insurance coverage
§ 300u–5. Centers for research and demonstration of health promotion and disease prevention
§ 300u–6. Office of Minority Health
§ 300u–6a. Individual offices of minority health within the Department
§ 300u–7. Office of Adolescent Health
§ 300u–8. Biennial report regarding nutrition and health
§ 300u–9. Education regarding DES
§ 300u–10. National Prevention, Health Promotion and Public Health Council
§ 300u–11. Prevention and Public Health Fund
§ 300u–12. Education and outreach campaign regarding preventive benefits
§ 300u–13. Community transformation grants
§ 300u–14. Healthy aging, living well; evaluation of community-based prevention and wellness programs for Medicare beneficiaries
§ 300u–15. Research on optimizing the delivery of public health services