Part E. Program To Assist and Encourage Voluntary Discontinuance of Unneeded Hospital Services and Conversion of Unneeded Hospital Services to Other Health Services Needed by Community

§ 300t–11. Grants and assistance for establishment of program
§ 300t–12. Grants for discontinuance and conversion
§ 300t–13. Grants to States for reduction of excess hospital capacity
§ 300t–14. Authorization of appropriations



1979—Pub. L. 96–79, title II, § 202(a), title III, § 301(a), Oct. 4, 1979, 93 Stat. 632, 636, added part E relating to program to assist and encourage voluntary discontinuance of unneeded hospital services and conversion of unneeded hospital services to other health services needed by the community and redesignated former part E as part C.