Part A. National Institutes of Health  

§ 281. Organization of National Institutes of Health
§ 282. Director of National Institutes of Health
§ 282a. Authorization of appropriations
§ 282b. Electronic coding of grants and activities
§ 282c. Public access to funded investigators’ final manuscripts
§ 282d. Transferred
§ 283. Biennial reports of Director of NIH
§ 283a. Annual reporting to increase interagency collaboration and coordination
§ 283a–1. Annual reporting to prevent fraud and abuse
§ 283a–2. Annual reporting regarding training of graduate students for doctoral degrees
§ 283a–3. Establishment of program regarding DES
§ 283b. Repealed. Pub. L. 106–525, title I, § 101(b)(2), Nov. 22, 2000, 114 Stat. 2501
§ 283c. Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research
§ 283d. Children’s Vaccine Initiative
§ 283e. Plan for use of animals in research
§ 283f. Requirements regarding surveys of sexual behavior
§ 283g. Muscular dystrophy; initiative through Director of National Institutes of Health
§ 283h, 283i. Transferred
§ 283j. Review of centers of excellence
§ 283k. Biomedical and behavioral research facilities
§ 283l. Construction of regional centers for research on primates
§ 283m. Sanctuary system for surplus chimpanzees
§ 283n. Shared Instrumentation Grant Program