§ 5185. Emergency communications  

Latest version.
  • The President is authorized during, or in anticipation of, an emergency or major disaster to establish temporary communications systems and to make such communications available to State and local government officials and other persons as he deems appropriate.

(Pub. L. 93–288, title IV, § 418, formerly § 415, May 22, 1974, 88 Stat. 158; renumbered § 418, Pub. L. 100–707, title I, § 106(j), Nov. 23, 1988, 102 Stat. 4705.)

Prior Provisions

Prior Provisions

A prior section 418 of Pub. L. 93–288 was renumbered section 421 by Pub. L. 100–707 and is classified to section 5188 of this title.