§ 4767. Termination of grants  

Latest version.
  • Whenever the Office, after giving reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing to the State or general local government concerned, finds— (1) that a program or project has been so changed that it no longer complies with the provisions of this chapter; or (2) that in the operation of the program or project there is a failure to comply substantially with any such provision; the Office shall notify the State or general local government of its findings and no further payments may be made to such government by the Office until it is satisfied that such noncompliance has been, or will promptly be, corrected. However, the Office may authorize the continuance of payments to those projects approved under this chapter which are not involved in the noncompliance.
(Pub. L. 91–648, title V, § 507, Jan. 5, 1971, 84 Stat. 1928; 1978 Reorg. Plan No. 2, § 102, eff. Jan. 1, 1979, 43 F.R. 36037, 92 Stat. 3783.)

References In Text

References in Text

This chapter, referred to in text, means the provisions of subchapters I, II, III, and IV of this chapter. See section 4761 of this title.

Transfer Of Functions

Transfer of Functions

“Office”, meaning Office of Personnel Management, substituted in text for “Commission”, meaning Civil Service Commission, pursuant to Reorg. Plan No. 2 of 1978, § 102, 43 F.R. 36037, 92 Stat. 3783, set out under section 1101 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees, which transferred functions vested by statute in Civil Service Commission and Chairman thereof to Director of Office of Personnel Management (except as otherwise specified), effective Jan. 1, 1979, as provided by section 1–102 of Ex. Ord. No. 12107, Dec. 28, 1978, 44 F.R. 1055, set out under section 1101 of Title 5.