§ 3797q–5. Reports and evaluations  

Latest version.
  • For each fiscal year, each recipient of a grant under this subchapter during that fiscal year shall submit to the Attorney General a report with respect to the effectiveness of activities carried out using that grant. Each report shall include an evaluation in such form and containing such information as the Attorney General may reasonably require. The Attorney General shall specify the dates on which such reports shall be submitted.

(Pub. L. 90–351, title I, § 2906, as added Pub. L. 110–199, title I, § 112(a), Apr. 9, 2008, 122 Stat. 673.)


Construction of 2008 Amendment

For construction of amendments by Pub. L. 110–199 and requirements for grants made under such amendments, see section 17504 of this title.