§ 3796ee–6. Utilization of private sector  

Latest version.
  • Funds or a portion of funds allocated under this subchapter may be used by a State or unit of local government that receives a grant under this subchapter to contract with private, nonprofit entities, or community-based organizations to carry out the purposes specified under section 3796ee(b) of this title.

(Pub. L. 90–351, title I, § 1806, as added Pub. L. 107–273, div. C, title II, § 12102(a), Nov. 2, 2002, 116 Stat. 1866.)

Prior Provisions

Prior Provisions

A prior section 1806 of Pub. L. 90–351 was classified to section 3796ee–5 of this title prior to the general amendment of this subchapter by Pub.L. 107–273.