§ 3754. Rules  

Latest version.
  • The Attorney General shall issue rules to carry out this part. The first such rules shall be issued not later than one year after the date on which amounts are first made available to carry out this part.

(Pub. L. 90–351, title I, § 504, as added Pub. L. 109–162, title XI, § 1111(a)(2)(C), Jan. 5, 2006, 119 Stat. 3097.)

Prior Provisions

Prior Provisions

For prior sections 504 of Pub. L. 90–351 and prior sections 3754 of this title, see notes set out preceding section 3750 of this title.

Effective Date

Effective Date

Section applicable with respect to the first fiscal year beginning after Jan. 5, 2006, and each fiscal year thereafter, see section 1111(d) of Pub. L. 109–162, set out as an Effective Date of 2006 Amendment note under section 3750 of this title.