§ 3711. Establishment of Office of Justice Programs
§ 3712. Duties and functions of Assistant Attorney General
§ 3712a. Office of Weed and Seed Strategies
§ 3712b. Weed and Seed strategies
§ 3712c. Inclusion of Indian tribes
§ 3712d. Transferred
§ 3712e. Community Capacity Development Office
§ 3712f. Division of Applied Law Enforcement Technology
§ 3712g. Availability of funds
§ 3712h. Office of Audit, Assessment, and Management
§ 3713. State grant program for training and prosecution of computer crimes
§ 3713a. Local law enforcement grants
§ 3713b. Improved investigative and forensic resources for enforcement of laws related to intellectual property crimes
§ 3713c. Additional funding for resources to investigate and prosecute intellectual property crimes and other criminal activity involving computers
§ 3713d. Annual reports
§ 3714. Grant program for State and local domestic preparedness support
§ 3714a. Grants to States for threat assessment databases
§ 3715. Office of Justice Programs grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts
§ 3715a. Consolidation of financial management systems of Office of Justice Programs
§ 3716. Support for criminal investigations and prosecutions by State, local, and tribal law enforcement officials
§ 3716a. Grant program