§ 16275. Department of Energy civilian nuclear infrastructure and facilities  

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  • (a) In general

    The Secretary shall operate and maintain infrastructure and facilities to support the nuclear energy research, development, demonstration, and commercial application programs, including radiological facilities management, isotope production, and facilities management.

    (b) DutiesIn carrying out this section, the Secretary shall—(1) develop an inventory of nuclear science and engineering facilities, equipment, expertise, and other assets at all of the National Laboratories;(2) develop a prioritized list of nuclear science and engineering plant and equipment improvements needed at each of the National Laboratories;(3) consider the available facilities and expertise at all National Laboratories and emphasize investments which complement rather than duplicate capabilities; and(4) develop a timeline and a proposed budget for the completion of deferred maintenance on plant and equipment, with the goal of ensuring that Department programs under this part will be generally recognized to be among the best in the world. (c) PlanThe Secretary shall develop a comprehensive plan for the facilities at the Idaho National Laboratory, especially taking into account the resources available at other National Laboratories. In developing the plan, the Secretary shall—(1) evaluate the facilities planning processes utilized by other physical science and engineering research and development institutions, both in the United States and abroad, that are generally recognized as being among the best in the world, and consider how those processes might be adapted toward developing such facilities plan;(2) avoid duplicating, moving, or transferring nuclear science and engineering facilities, equipment, expertise, and other assets that currently exist at other National Laboratories;(3) consider the establishment of a national transuranic analytic chemistry laboratory as a user facility at the Idaho National Laboratory;(4) include a plan to develop, if feasible, the Advanced Test Reactor and Test Reactor Area into a user facility that is more readily accessible to academic and industrial researchers;(5) consider the establishment of a fast neutron source as a user facility;(6) consider the establishment of new hot cells and the configuration of hot cells most likely to advance research, development, demonstration, and commercial application in nuclear science and engineering, especially in the context of the condition and availability of these facilities elsewhere in the National Laboratories; and(7) include a timeline and a proposed budget for the completion of deferred maintenance on plant and equipment. (d) Transmittal to Congress

    Not later than 1 year after August 8, 2005, the Secretary shall transmit the plan under subsection (c) to Congress.

(Pub. L. 109–58, title IX, § 955, Aug. 8, 2005, 119 Stat. 887.)