§ 16195. Secondary electric vehicle battery use program  

Latest version.
  • (a) DefinitionsIn this section:(1) Battery

    The term “battery” means an energy storage device that previously has been used to provide motive power in a vehicle powered in whole or in part by electricity.

    (2) Associated equipment

    The term “associated equipment” means equipment located where the batteries will be used that is necessary to enable the use of the energy stored in the batteries.

    (b) Program(1) In general

    The Secretary shall establish and conduct a program of research, development, demonstration, and commercial application of energy technology for the secondary use of batteries, if the Secretary finds that there are sufficient numbers of batteries to support the program.

    (2) AdministrationThe program shall be—(A) designed to demonstrate the use of batteries in secondary applications, including utility and commercial power storage and power quality;(B) structured to evaluate the performance, including useful service life and costs, of such batteries in field operations, and the necessary supporting infrastructure, including reuse and disposal of batteries; and(C) coordinated with ongoing secondary battery use programs at the National Laboratories and in industry.
    (c) Solicitation(1) In general

    Not later than 180 days after August 8, 2005, the Secretary shall solicit proposals to demonstrate the secondary use of batteries and associated equipment and supporting infrastructure in geographic locations throughout the United States.

    (2) Additional solicitations

    The Secretary may make additional solicitations for proposals if the Secretary determines that the solicitations are necessary to carry out this section.

    (d) Selection of proposals(1) In general

    Not later than 90 days after the closing date established by the Secretary for receipt of proposals under subsection (c), the Secretary shall select up to five proposals that may receive financial assistance under this section once the Department receives appropriated funds to carry out this section.

    (2) FactorsIn selecting proposals, the Secretary shall consider—(A) the diversity of battery type;(B) geographic and climatic diversity; and(C) life-cycle environmental effects of the approaches.(3) Limitation

    No one project selected under this section shall receive more than 25 percent of the funds made available to carry out the program under this section.

    (4) Non-Federal involvement

    In selecting proposals, the Secretary shall consider the extent of involvement of State or local government and other persons in each demonstration project to optimize use of Federal resources.

    (5) Other criteria

    In selecting proposals, the Secretary may consider such other criteria as the Secretary considers appropriate.

    (e) ConditionsIn carrying out this section, the Secretary shall require that—(1) relevant information be provided to—(A) the Department;(B) the users of the batteries;(C) the proposers of a project under this section; and(D) the battery manufacturers; and(2) the costs of carrying out projects and activities under this section are shared in accordance with section 16352 of this title.
(Pub. L. 109–58, title IX, § 915, Aug. 8, 2005, 119 Stat. 861.)