Remova lDescription
Section 9881, [Pub. L. 97–35, title VI, § 670N], as added [Pub. L. 100–297, title II, § 2503], Apr. 28, 1988, [102 Stat. 326], authorized Comprehensive Child Development Program for pre-school children. See [section 9840a of this title].
Section 9882, [Pub. L. 97–35, title VI, § 670O], as added [Pub. L. 100–297, title II, § 2503], Apr. 28, 1988, [102 Stat. 328], proscribed Secretary from taking into consideration, when making a grant under former section 9881, whether the applicant had applied or received funds under subchapter II of this chapter, relating to the Head Start program.
Section 9883, [Pub. L. 97–35, title VI, § 670P], as added [Pub. L. 100–297, title II, § 2503], Apr. 28, 1988, [102 Stat. 329], related to applicability to this subchapter of rules and regulations prescribed to carry out subchapter II of this chapter to the extent that the services provided were similar.
Section 9884, [Pub. L. 97–35, title VI, § 670Q], as added [Pub. L. 100–297, title II, § 2503], Apr. 28, 1988, [102 Stat. 329], directed Secretary to continually evaluate projects under this subchapter.
Section 9885, [Pub. L. 97–35, title VI, § 670R], as added [Pub. L. 100–297, title II, § 2503], Apr. 28, 1988, [102 Stat. 329], directed Secretary to carry out this subchapter through the administrative entity used to carry out subchapter II of this chapter.
Section 9886, [Pub. L. 97–35, title VI, § 670S], as added [Pub. L. 100–297, title II, § 2503], Apr. 28, 1988, [102 Stat. 329]; amended [Pub. L. 102–119, § 26(a)], Oct. 7, 1991, [105 Stat. 607]; [Pub. L. 103–382, title III, § 391(x)], Oct. 20, 1994, [108 Stat. 4025], provided definitions for terms used in this subchapter.
Section 9887, [Pub. L. 97–35, title VI, § 670T], as added [Pub. L. 100–297, title II, § 2503], Apr. 28, 1988, [102 Stat. 330]; amended [Pub. L. 101–501, title VIII, § 801], Nov. 3, 1990, [104 Stat. 1261], authorized appropriations to carry out this subchapter.
Effective Date
Effective Date of Repeal
Repeal effective May 18, 1994, but not applicable to Head Start agencies and other recipients of financial assistance under the Head Start Act ([42 U.S.C. 9831] et seq.) until Oct. 1, 1994, see [section 127 of Pub. L. 103–252], set out as an Effective Date of 1994 Amendment note under [section 9832 of this title].
Comprehensive Child Development Program; Congressional Statement of Purpose
[Pub. L. 100–297, title II], part E, § 2502, Apr. 28, 1988, [102 Stat. 325], provided that it is the purpose of part E of title II of [Pub. L. 100–297] to provide financial assistance to projects that target and support infants and young children from low-income families, enhance their development, and provide support for their parents and other family members, prior to repeal by [Pub. L. 103–252, title I, § 112(b)(1)], (2)(A), May 18, 1994, [108 Stat. 640], 641.
Consolidation of Child Development Programs
[Pub. L. 103–252, title I, § 112(b)(1)], May 18, 1994, [108 Stat. 640], provided that: “In recognition that the Comprehensive Child Development Centers Act [enacting this subchapter, amending [section 9833 of this title], and enacting provisions set out as notes under this section and [section 9801 of this title]] has demonstrated positive results, and that its purposes and functions have been consolidated into section 645A of the Head Start Act [[42 U.S.C. 9840a]], the Comprehensive Child Development Centers Act of 1988 ([42 U.S.C. 9801] note) and the Comprehensive Child Development Act ([42 U.S.C. 9881] et seq.) are repealed.”