§ 576. Revolving fund; establishment; availability; reimbursement; transfer of funds; limitation  

Latest version.
  • There is established a revolving fund, to be available without fiscal year limitation, for expenses necessary for the maintenance and operation of the plant and equipment of the Corps of Engineers used in civil works functions, including acquisition of plant and equipment, maintenance, repair, and purchase, operation, and maintenance of not to exceed four aircraft at any one time, temporary financing of services finally chargeable to appropriations for civil works functions, and the furnishing of facilities and services for military functions of the Department of the Army and other Government agencies and private persons, as authorized by law. In addition, the Secretary of the Army is authorized to provide capital for the fund by capitalizing the present inventories, plant and equipment of the civil works functions of the Corps of Engineers. The fund shall be credited with reimbursements or advances for the cost of equipment, facilities, and services furnished, at rates which shall include charges for overhead and related expenses, depreciation of plant and equipment, and accrued leave: Provided, That on July 1, 1953, (1) the fund shall assume the assets, liabilities, and obligations of the Plant accounts, as carried on the records of the Corps of Engineers as of June 30, 1953, under the appropriations for “Maintenance and improvement of existing river and harbor works”, “Flood control, general”, and “Flood control, Mississippi River and tributaries”, and (2) there shall be transferred from said appropriations to the fund amounts equivalent to the unexpended cash balances of the Plant accounts on June 30, 1953: Provided further, That the total capital of said fund shall not exceed $140,000,000.

(July 27, 1953, ch. 245, § 101, 67 Stat. 199.)



Section is also set out as section 701b–10 of this title.

Section was formerly classified to section 190b of Title 10 prior to the general revision and enactment of Title 10, Armed Forces, by act Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, § 1, 70A Stat. 1.


Headquarters Aircraft; Transfer and Reassignment of Property Accountability to Army Military Activity

Pub. L. 101–101, title I, § 105, Sept. 29, 1989, 103 Stat. 649, provided that: “Notwithstanding section 110 of the Energy and Water Development Appropriation Act, 1988, Public Law 100–202 [set out below], the Secretary of the Army is authorized to transfer and re­assign property accountability for the headquarters aircraft of the Corps of Engineers, Serial Number 045, from the assets of the civil works revolving fund, to the military activity of the Army that the Secretary determines is appropriate, except that the aircraft shall be made available on a priority basis as necessary for activities in support of the Army’s civil works mission.”

Retention of Three Operational Aircraft; Notice of Intended Use Outside United States

Pub. L. 100–202, § 101(d) [title I, § 110], Dec. 22, 1987, 101 Stat. 1329–104, 1329–112, provided that: “The Chief of Engineers is directed to retain three operational aircraft authorized pursuant to section 101 of the Act of July 27, 1953, 67 Stat. 199 [33 U.S.C. 576], together with their attendant crews, and may only dispose of any of these aircraft if authorized to do so by a future congressional enactment for that purpose. The Chief of Engineers shall provide at least thirty days advance written notification to the Appropriations Committees of the Senate and House of Representatives of any intended use of any of these aircraft for a trip destined outside the United States or its territories or possessions.”