§ 603. Disposition of moneys from disposal of materials  

Latest version.
  • All moneys received from the disposal of materials under this subchapter shall be disposed of in the same manner as moneys received from the sale of public lands, except that moneys received from the disposal of materials by the Secretary of Agriculture shall be disposed of in the same manner as other moneys received by the Department of Agriculture from the administration of the lands from which the disposal of materials is made, and except that revenues from the lands described in subchapter V of chapter 28 of title 43, shall be disposed of in accordance with said sections and except that moneys received from the disposal of materials from school section lands in Alaska, reserved under section 1 of the Act of March 4, 1915 (38 Stat. 1214), shall be set apart as separate and permanent funds in the Territorial Treasury, as provided for income derived from said school section lands pursuant to said Act.

(July 31, 1947, ch. 406, § 3, 61 Stat. 681; Aug. 31, 1950, ch. 830, 64 Stat. 571; July 23, 1955, ch. 375, § 2, 69 Stat. 368.)

References In Text

References in Text

Subchapter V (§ 1181a et seq.) of chapter 28 of title 43, referred to in text, was in the original a reference to the Acts of Aug. 28, 1937 (50 Stat. 874), and June 24, 1954 (68 Stat. 270), as amended. For complete classification of these Acts to the Code, see Tables.

Act of March 4, 1915 (38 Stat. 1214), referred to in text, is act Mar. 4, 1915, ch. 181, 38 Stat. 1214, as amended. Section 1 of that Act, which made reservation of certain Alaska lands for educational purposes, covered disposition of proceeds or income derived from reserved lands, and set out the exclusion of certain lands, was classified to section 353 of Title 48, Territories and Insular Possessions, and was repealed by Pub. L. 85–508, § 6(k), July 7, 1958, 72 Stat. 343. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Tables.



1955—Act July 23, 1955, provided for the disposal of moneys received by the Secretary of Agriculture, and for the disposal of revenues from the lands described in sections 1181a to 1181j of title 43.

1950—Act Aug. 31, 1950, provided for setting apart as separate and permanent funds in the Territorial Treasury moneys received from disposal of materials from school section lands in Alaska.

Transfer Of Functions

Transfer of Functions

For transfer of certain enforcement functions of Secretary or other appropriate officer or entity in Departments of Agriculture and the Interior under this subchapter to Federal Inspector of Office of Federal Inspector for Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System, and subsequent transfer to Secretary of Energy, then to Federal Coordinator for Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects, see note set out under section 601 of this title.


Admission of Alaska as State

Admission of Alaska into the Union was accomplished Jan. 3, 1959, on issuance of Proc. No. 3269, Jan. 3, 1959, 24 F.R. 81, 73 Stat. c16, as required by sections 1 and 8(c) of Pub. L. 85–508, July 7, 1958, 72 Stat. 339, set out as notes preceding section 21 of Title 48, Territories and Insular Possessions.