The Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973, [Pub. L. 93–203], Dec. 28, 1973, [87 Stat. 839], as amended by [Pub. L. 93–567], Dec. 31, 1974, [88 Stat. 1845]; [Pub. L. 94–444], Oct. 1, 1976, [90 Stat. 1476]; [Pub. L. 94–482], Oct. 12, 1976, [90 Stat. 2081]; [Pub. L. 95–40], June 3, 1977, [91 Stat. 203]; [Pub. L. 95–44], June 15, 1977, [91 Stat. 220]; [Pub. L. 95–93], Aug. 5, 1977, [91 Stat. 627], comprised this chapter prior to its complete revision by [Pub. L. 95–524], Oct. 27, 1978, [92 Stat. 1909]. The Act, [Pub. L. 93–203], as amended generally by [Pub. L. 95–524, § 2], Oct. 27, 1978, [92 Stat. 1909], was known as the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, and was set out as having been added by [Pub. L. 95–524] without reference to the intervening amendments in view of the extensive revision of the Act’s provisions by [Pub. L. 95–524].