§ 341. Power to grant rights-of-way not affected  

Latest version.
  • Nothing in this act shall be so construed as to affect the right and power of Congress to grant the right of way through any lands granted to an Indian, or a tribe of Indians, for railroads or other highways, or telegraph lines, for the public use, or to condemn such lands to public uses, upon making just compensation.

(Feb. 8, 1887, ch. 119, § 10, 24 Stat. 391.)

References In Text

References in Text

This act, referred to in text, is act Feb. 8, 1887, ch. 119, 24 Stat. 388, as amended, and is popularly known as the Indian General Allotment Act. For classification of this act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 331 of this title and Tables.