§ 4041. Purposes  

Latest version.
  • The purposes of this subchapter are— (1) to provide for more effective management of, and accountability for the proper discharge of, the Secretary’s trust responsibilities to Indian tribes and individual Indians by establishing in the Department of the Interior an Office of Special Trustee for American Indians to oversee and coordinate reforms within the Department of practices relating to the management and discharge of such responsibilities; (2) to ensure that reform of such practices in the Department is carried out in a unified manner and that reforms of the policies, practices, procedures and systems of the Bureau, Minerals Management Service, and Bureau of Land Management, which carry out such trust responsibilities, are effective, consistent, and integrated; and (3) to ensure the implementation of all reforms necessary for the proper discharge of the Secretary’s trust responsibilities to Indian tribes and individual Indians.
(Pub. L. 103–412, title III, § 301, Oct. 25, 1994, 108 Stat. 4244.)

Transfer Of Functions

Transfer of Functions

The Minerals Management Service was abolished and functions divided among the Office of Natural Resources Revenue, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, and the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement. See Secretary of the Interior Orders No. 3299 of May 19, 2010, and No. 3302 of June 18, 2010, and chapters II, V, and XII of title 30, Code of Federal Regulations, as revised by final rules of the Department of the Interior at 75 F.R. 61051 and 76 F.R. 64432.