§ 130. Withholding of moneys or goods on account of intoxicating liquors  

Latest version.
  • No annuities, or moneys, or goods, shall be paid or distributed to Indians while they are under the influence of any description of intoxicating liquor, nor while there are good and sufficient reasons leading the officers or agents, whose duty it may be to make such payments or distribution, to believe that there is any species of intoxicating liquor within convenient reach of the Indians, nor until the chiefs and headmen of the tribe shall have pledged themselves to use all their influence and to make all proper exertions to prevent the introduction and sale of such liquor in their country.

(R.S. § 2087.)



R.S. § 2087 derived from act Mar. 3, 1847, ch. 66, § 3, 9 Stat. 203.