§ 1671. Reports
§ 1672. Regulations
§ 1673. Repealed. Pub. L. 102–573, title IX, § 901(4), Oct. 29, 1992, 106 Stat. 4591
§ 1674. Leases with Indian tribes
§ 1675. Confidentiality of medical quality assurance records; qualified immunity for participants
§ 1676. Limitation on use of funds appropriated to Indian Health Service
§ 1677. Nuclear resource development health hazards
§ 1678. Arizona as contract health service delivery area
§ 1678a. North Dakota and South Dakota as contract health service delivery area
§ 1679. Eligibility of California Indians
§ 1680. California as a contract health service delivery area
§ 1680a. Contract health facilities
§ 1680b. National Health Service Corps
§ 1680c. Health services for ineligible persons
§ 1680d. Infant and maternal mortality; fetal alcohol syndrome
§ 1680e. Contract health services for the Trenton Service Area
§ 1680f. Indian Health Service and Department of Veterans Affairs health facilities and services sharing
§ 1680g. Reallocation of base resources
§ 1680h. Demonstration projects for tribal management of health care services
§ 1680i. Child sexual abuse treatment programs
§ 1680j. Tribal leasing
§ 1680k. Repealed. Pub. L. 111–148, title X, § 10221(a), Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 935
§ 1680l. Shared services for long-term care
§ 1680m. Results of demonstration projects
§ 1680n. Priority for Indian reservations
§ 1680o. Authorization of appropriations
§ 1680p. Annual budget submission
§ 1680q. Prescription drug monitoring
§ 1680r. Tribal health program option for cost sharing
§ 1680s. Disease and injury prevention report
§ 1680t. Other GAO reports
§ 1680u. Traditional health care practices
§ 1680v. Director of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Treatment
§ 1681. Omitted
§ 1682. Subrogation of claims by Indian Health Service
§ 1683. Indian Catastrophic Health Emergency Fund



This subchapter was in the original title VIII, formerly VII, of Pub. L. 94–437, as renumbered by Pub. L. 102–573. Titles IV, V, VI, and VII of Pub. L. 94–437 are classified to subchapters III–A, IV, V, and V–A of this chapter, respectively.