§ 659. Distribution of judgment fund  

Latest version.
  • (a) Preparation of Indian roll

    The Secretary of the Interior shall prepare a roll of persons of Indian blood who apply for inclusion thereon and (i) whose names or the name of a lineal or collateral relative appears on any of the approved rolls heretofore prepared pursuant to this subchapter and the amendments thereto or (ii) who can establish, to the satisfaction of the Secretary, lineal or collateral relationship to an Indian who resided in California on June 1, 1852, and (iii) who were born on or before and were living on September 21, 1968.

    (b) Contents

    The roll so prepared shall indicate, as nearly as possible, the group or groups of Indians of California with which the ancestors of each enrollee were affiliated on June 1, 1852. If the affiliation of an enrollee’s ancestors on that date is unknown, it shall be presumed to be the same as that of the ancestors’ relatives whose affiliation is known unless there is sound reason to believe otherwise. Applicants whose ancestry is derived partly from one of the groups named in section 660(b) of this title and partly from another group of Indians in California shall elect the affiliation to be shown for them on the roll.

    (c) Application for enrollment

    Application for enrollment shall be filed with the Area Director of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Sacramento, California, on forms prescribed for that purpose.

(Pub. L. 90–507, § 1, Sept. 21, 1968, 82 Stat. 860.)



Section was not enacted as part of act May 18, 1928, ch. 624, 45 Stat. 602, which comprises this subchapter.