§ 9544. Performance of duties  

Latest version.
  • (a) Grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements

    In carrying out the duties under this part, the Statistics Commissioner, may award grants, enter into contracts and cooperative agreements, and provide technical assistance.

    (b) Gathering information(1) Sampling

    The Statistics Commissioner may use the statistical method known as sampling (including random sampling) to carry out this part.

    (2) Source of informationThe Statistics Commissioner may, as appropriate, use information collected—(A) from States, local educational agencies, public and private schools, preschools, institutions of higher education, vocational and adult education programs, libraries, administrators, teachers, students, the general public, and other individuals, organizations, agencies, and institutions (including information collected by States and local educational agencies for their own use); and(B) by other offices within the Institute and by other Federal departments, agencies, and instrumentalities.(3) CollectionThe Statistics Commissioner may—(A) enter into interagency agreements for the collection of statistics;(B) arrange with any agency, organization, or institution for the collection of statistics; and(C) assign employees of the Statistics Center to any such agency, organization, or institution to assist in such collection.(4) Technical assistance and coordinationIn order to maximize the effectiveness of Department efforts to serve the educational needs of children and youth, the Statistics Commissioner shall—(A) provide technical assistance to the Department offices that gather data for statistical purposes; and(B) coordinate with other Department offices in the collection of data.
    (c) Duration

    Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements under this section may be awarded, on a competitive basis, for a period of not more than 5 years, and may be renewed at the discretion of the Statistics Commissioner for an additional period of not more than 5 years.

(Pub. L. 107–279, title I, § 154, Nov. 5, 2002, 116 Stat. 1960.)