§ 9103. Director of Institute  

Latest version.
  • (a) Appointment(1) In general

    The Institute shall be headed by a Director, appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.

    (2) Term

    The Director shall serve for a term of 4 years.

    (3) Qualifications

    Beginning with the first individual appointed to the position of Director after September 30, 1996, every second individual so appointed shall be appointed from among individuals who have special competence with regard to library and information services. Beginning with the second individual appointed to the position of Director after September 30, 1996, every second individual so appointed shall be appointed from among individuals who have special competence with regard to museum services.

    (b) Compensation

    The Director may be compensated at the rate provided for level III of the Executive Schedule under section 5314 of title 5.

    (c) Duties and powers(1) Primary responsibility

    The Director shall have primary responsibility for the development and implementation of policy to ensure the availability of museum, library, and information services adequate to meet the essential information, education, research, economic, cultural, and civic needs of the people of the United States.

    (2) DutiesIn carrying out the responsibility described in paragraph (1), the Director shall—(A) advise the President, Congress, and other Federal agencies and offices on museum, library, and information services in order to ensure the creation, preservation, organization, and dissemination of knowledge;(B) engage Federal, State, and local governmental agencies and private entities in assessing the museum, library, and information services needs of the people of the United States, and coordinate the development of plans, policies, and activities to meet such needs effectively;(C) carry out programs of research and development, data collection, and financial assistance to extend and improve the museum, library, and information services of the people of the United States; and(D) ensure that museum, library, and information services are fully integrated into the information and education infrastructures of the United States.
    (d) Nondelegation

    The Director shall not delegate any of the functions of the Director to any person who is not an officer or employee of the Institute.

    (e) Interagency agreementsThe Director may—(1) enter into interagency agreements to promote or assist with the museum, library, and information services-related activities of other Federal agencies, on either a reimbursable or non-reimbursable basis; and(2) use funds appropriated under this chapter for the costs of such activities. (f) CoordinationThe Director shall ensure coordination of the policies and activities of the Institute with the policies and activities of other agencies and offices of the Federal Government having interest in and responsibilities for the improvement of museums and libraries and information services. Where appropriate, the Director shall ensure that such policies and activities are coordinated with—(1) activities under section 6383 of this title;(2) programs and activities under the Head Start Act (42 U.S.C. 9831 et seq.) (including programs and activities under subparagraphs (H)(vii) and (J)(iii) of section 641(d)(2) of such Act) (42 U.S.C. 9836(d)(2));(3) activities under the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (29 U.S.C. 2801 et seq.) (including activities under section 134(c) of such Act) (29 U.S.C. 2864(c)); and(4) Federal programs and activities that increase the capacity of libraries and museums to act as partners in economic and community development, education and research, improving digital literacy skills, and disseminating health information. (g) Interagency collaborationThe Director shall work jointly with the individuals heading relevant Federal departments and agencies, including the Secretary of Labor, the Secretary of Education, the Administrator of the Small Business Administration, the Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, the Director of the National Science Foundation, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, the Secretary of State, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, the Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts, the Chairman of the National Endowment of the Humanities, and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, or the designees of such individuals, on—(1) initiatives, materials, or technology to support workforce development activities undertaken by libraries;(2) resource and policy approaches to eliminate barriers to fully leveraging the role of libraries and museums in supporting the early learning, literacy, lifelong learning, digital literacy, workforce development, and education needs of the people of the United States; and(3) initiatives, materials, or technology to support educational, cultural, historical, scientific, environmental, and other activities undertaken by museums. (h) Regulatory authority

    The Director may promulgate such rules and regulations as are necessary and appropriate to implement the provisions of this chapter.

    (i) Application procedures(1) In general

    In order to be eligible to receive financial assistance under this chapter, a person or agency shall submit an application in accordance with procedures established by the Director by regulation.

    (2) Review and evaluation

    The Director shall establish procedures for reviewing and evaluating applications submitted under this chapter. Actions of the Institute and the Director in the establishment, modification, and revocation of such procedures under this chapter are vested in the discretion of the Institute and the Director. In establishing such procedures, the Director shall ensure that the criteria by which applications are evaluated are consistent with the purposes of this chapter, taking into consideration general standards of decency and respect for the diverse beliefs and values of the American public.

    (3) Treatment of projects determined to be obscene(A) In general

    The procedures described in paragraph (2) shall include provisions that clearly specify that obscenity is without serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific merit, and is not protected speech.

    (B) Prohibition

    No financial assistance may be provided under this chapter with respect to any project that is determined to be obscene.

    (C) Treatment of application disapproval

    The disapproval of an application by the Director shall not be construed to mean, and shall not be considered as evidence that, the project for which the applicant requested financial assistance is or is not obscene.

(Pub. L. 94–462, title II, § 204, as added Pub. L. 104–208, div. A, title I, § 101(e) [title VII, § 702], Sept. 30, 1996, 110 Stat. 3009–233, 3009–294; amended Pub. L. 108–81, title I, § 103, Sept. 25, 2003, 117 Stat. 992; Pub. L. 111–340, title I, § 102, Dec. 22, 2010, 124 Stat. 3595.)

References In Text

References in Text

This chapter, referred to in subsec. (e)(2) and the second place it appears in subsec. (i)(2), was in the original “this Act” and was translated as reading “this title”, meaning title II of Pub. L. 94–462, known as the Museum and Library Services Act, to reflect the probable intent of Congress.

The Head Start Act, referred to in subsec. (f)(2), is subchapter B (§ 635 et seq.) of chapter 8 of subtitle A of title VI of Pub. L. 97–35, Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 499, which is classified generally to subchapter II (§ 9831 et seq.) of chapter 105 of Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 9801 of Title 42 and Tables.

The Workforce Investment Act of 1998, referred to in subsec. (f)(3), is Pub. L. 105–220, Aug. 7, 1998, 112 Stat. 936. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 9201 of this title and Tables.

Prior Provisions

Prior Provisions

A prior section 204 of Pub. L. 94–462 was classified to section 963 of this title prior to the general amendment of title II of Pub. L. 94–462 by Pub. L. 104–208.



2010—Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 111–340, § 102(1), added subsec. (c) and struck out former subsec. (c). Prior to amendment, text read as follows: “The Director shall perform such duties and exercise such powers as may be prescribed by law, including awarding financial assistance for activities described in this chapter.”

Subsecs. (e) to (g). Pub. L. 111–340, § 102(3), added subsecs. (e) to (g) and struck out former subsec. (e). Prior to amendment, text of subsec. (e) read as follows: “The Director shall ensure coordination of the policies and activities of the Institute with the policies and activities of other agencies and offices of the Federal Government having interest in and responsibilities for the improvement of museums and libraries and information services. Where appropriate, the Director shall ensure that activities under subchapter II of this chapter are coordinated with activities under section 6383 of this title.” Former subsecs. (f) and (g) redesignated (h) and (i), respectively.

Subsecs. (h), (i). Pub. L. 111–340, § 102(2), redesignated subsecs. (f) and (g) as (h) and (i), respectively.

2003—Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 108–81, § 103(1), inserted at end “Where appropriate, the Director shall ensure that activities under subchapter II of this chapter are coordinated with activities under section 6383 of this title.”

Subsecs. (f), (g). Pub. L. 108–81, § 103(2), added subsecs. (f) and (g).


Service of Individuals Serving on September 30, 1996

Pub. L. 104–208, div. A, title I, § 101(e) [title VII, § 705], Sept. 30, 1996, 110 Stat. 3009–233, 3009–311, which provided that the individual who was appointed to the position of Director of the Institute of Museum Services and was serving in such position on the day before Sept. 30, 1996, would serve, at the pleasure of the President, as the first Director of the Institute of Museum and Library Services, was repealed by Pub. L. 108–81, title V, § 505(b), Sept. 25, 2003, 117 Stat. 1004.