§ 6366. National activities  

Latest version.
  • From funds reserved under section 6362(b)(1)(C) of this title, the Secretary— (1) may provide technical assistance in achieving the purposes of this subpart to State educational agencies, local educational agencies, and schools requesting such assistance; (2) shall, at a minimum, evaluate the impact of services provided to children under this subpart with respect to their referral to, and eligibility for, special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act [20 U.S.C. 1400 et seq.] (based on their difficulties learning to read); and (3) shall carry out the external evaluation as described in section 6365 of this title.
(Pub. L. 89–10, title I, § 1206, as added Pub. L. 107–110, title I, § 101, Jan. 8, 2002, 115 Stat. 1548.)

References In Text

References in Text

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, referred to in par. (2), is title VI of Pub. L. 91–230, Apr. 13, 1970, 84 Stat. 175, as amended, which is classified generally to chapter 33 (§ 1400 et seq.) of this title. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see section 1400 of this title and Tables.

Prior Provisions

Prior Provisions

A prior section 6366, Pub. L. 89–10, title I, § 1206, as added Pub. L. 103–382, title I, § 101, Oct. 20, 1994, 108 Stat. 3581; amended Pub. L. 105–220, title II, § 251(b)(2)(C), Aug. 7, 1998, 112 Stat. 1079; Pub. L. 106–554, § 1(a)(4) [div. B, title XVI, § 1604(j)], Dec. 21, 2000, 114 Stat. 2763, 2763A–332, related to eligible participants in an Even Start program, prior to the general amendment of this subchapter by Pub. L. 107–110. See section 6381e of this title.