Part B. General Powers and Duties

§ 6561. Advance payments by Secretary of Senate
§ 6562. Transfers of funds by Secretary of Senate; approval of Committee on Appropriations
§ 6563. Payment of certain expenses
§ 6564. Travel expenses of Secretary of Senate; advancement of travel funds to designated employees
§ 6565. Advancement by Secretary of Senate of travel funds to employees under his jurisdiction for Federal Election Campaign Act travel expenses
§ 6566. Authority to procure technical support and other services and incur travel expenses; payment of such expenses
§ 6567. Funds for Secretary of Senate to assist in proper discharge within United States of responsibilities to foreign parliamentary groups or other foreign officials
§ 6568. Banking and financial transactions of Secretary of Senate
§ 6569. Stationery for Senate; advertisements for
§ 6570. Opening bids for stationery; awarding contracts
§ 6571. Contracts for separate parts of Senate stationery
§ 6572. Purchases of stationery and materials for folding
§ 6573. Senate revolving fund for stationery allowances; availability of unexpended balances; withdrawals
§ 6574. Senate Office of Public Records Revolving Fund
§ 6575. Fees for copies from Senate journals
§ 6576. Senate Gift Shop
§ 6577. Senate legislative information system
§ 6578. Senate Leader’s Lecture Series