§ 6541. Professional archivist; Secretary’s authority to obtain services from General Services Administration  

Latest version.
  • For each fiscal year (beginning with the fiscal year which ends September 30, 1982), the Secretary of the Senate is authorized to expend from the contingent fund of the Senate such amount as may be necessary to enable the Secretary to obtain from the General Services Administration the services of a professional archivist. Such services shall be obtained on a reimbursable basis and shall not be obtained except with the consent of the General Services Administration and the Committee on Rules and Administration.

(Pub. L. 97–92, title I, § 125, Dec. 15, 1981, 95 Stat. 1198.)



Section was formerly classified to section 61b–3 of this title prior to editorial reclassification and renumbering as this section.


Reimbursement of Archivist of the United States for Expenditures for Project To Provide for Preservation of Records of Continuing Value of Senate; Payment, etc., of Amounts

Pub. L. 97–257, title I, § 107, Sept. 10, 1982, 96 Stat. 850, provided that: “For the fiscal year ending September 30, 1982, and for each of the next three succeeding fiscal years, the Secretary of the Senate is authorized to pay to the General Services Administration such amounts as may be necessary to reimburse the Archivist of the United States for expenditures made to conduct a project to provide for the proper preservation of the Senate’s records of continuing value, which expenditures cannot be defrayed from funds otherwise available for such purpose. The aggregate of the sums paid to the General Services Administration under this section shall not exceed $300,000. Amounts paid under this section shall be paid from the contingent fund of the Senate on vouchers approved by the Secretary of the Senate.”