Section 42a was editorially reclassified as [section 6116 of this title].
Prior Provisions
A prior section 42a, acts [July 1, 1941, ch. 268], [55 Stat. 450]; [June 26, 1944, ch. 277], title I, [58 Stat. 339]; [June 13, 1945, ch. 189], [59 Stat. 243]; [Oct. 11, 1951, ch. 485], [65 Stat. 391]; [July 2, 1954, ch. 455], title I, [68 Stat. 402]; [Aug. 5, 1955, ch. 568], [69 Stat. 503]; [June 27, 1956, ch. 453], [70 Stat. 359]; July 31, 1958, [Pub. L. 85–570], [72 Stat. 442]; July 12, 1960, [Pub. L. 86–628], [74 Stat. 449]; Dec. 30, 1963, [Pub. L. 88–248], [77 Stat. 805]; July 27, 1965, [Pub. L. 89–90], [79 Stat. 268]; July 23, 1968, [Pub. L. 90–417], [82 Stat. 400]; Dec. 12, 1969, [Pub. L. 91–145], [83 Stat. 342]; July 9, 1971, [Pub. L. 92–51], [85 Stat. 128]; Oct. 31, 1972, [Pub. L. 92–607], ch. V, § 506(k)(1), formerly § 506(h)(1), [86 Stat. 1508], redesignated § 506(i)(1) by [Pub. L. 95–391, title I], Sept. 30, 1978, [92 Stat. 773], redesignated § 506(j)(1) by [Pub. L. 96–304, title I, § 101], July 8, 1980, [94 Stat. 889], and redesignated § 506(k)(1) by [Pub. L. 97–276, § 101(e)], Oct. 2, 1982, [96 Stat. 1189], provided for an airmail and special-delivery postage allowance for President of the Senate, prior to repeal by [section 127(a)(2) of Pub. L. 97–51].