§ 528. Appropriate customs officer to receive amount recovered  

Latest version.
  • The appropriate customs officer within whose district any seizure shall be made or forfeiture incurred for any violation of the duty laws is authorized to receive from the court within which trial is had, or from the proper officer thereof, the sum recovered, after deducting all proper charges to be allowed by the court; and on receipt thereof he shall pay and distribute the same without delay, according to law.

(R.S. § 3087; June 17, 1930, ch. 497, title IV, § 604, 46 Stat. 754; Pub. L. 91–271, title III, § 319, June 2, 1970, 84 Stat. 293.)



This section was derived from R.S. § 3087, which, however, contained a further provision requiring collectors to cause suits to be commenced without delay and prosecuted to effect. That provision was omitted as inconsistent with section 604 of act Sept. 21, 1922, ch. 356, 42 Stat. 984, constituting former section 511 of this title. Act Sept. 21, 1922, was repealed by act June 17, 1930, but section 604 of the latter Act, constituting section 1604 of this title, reenacted section 604 of the former Act.



1970—Pub. L. 91–271 substituted reference to the appropriate customs officer for reference to the collector.

Effective Date Of Amendment

Effective Date of 1970 Amendment

For effective date of amendment by Pub. L. 91–271, see section 203 of Pub. L. 91–271, set out as a note under section 1500 of this title.

Transfer Of Functions

Transfer of Functions

Functions of all officers of Department of the Treasury and functions of all agencies and employees of such Department transferred, with certain exceptions, to Secretary of the Treasury, with power vested in him to authorize their performance or performance of any of his functions, by any of those officers, agencies, and employees, by Reorg. Plan No. 26 of 1950, §§ 1, 2, eff. July 31, 1950, 15 F.R. 4935, 64 Stat. 1280, 1281, set out in the Appendix to Title 5, Government Organization and Employees. Customs officers, referred to in this section, are under Department of the Treasury.