§ 470w–5. National Museum for the Building Arts  

Latest version.
  • (a) Cooperative agreement between Secretary, Administrator of General Services Administration and Committee for National Museum of the Building Arts; purposes In order to provide a national center to commemorate and encourage the building arts and to preserve and maintain a nationally significant building which exemplifies the great achievements of the building arts in the United States, the Secretary and the Administrator of the General Services Administration are authorized and directed to enter into a cooperative agreement with the Committee for a National Museum of the Building Arts, Incorporated, a nonprofit corporation organized and existing under the laws of the District of Columbia, or its successor, for the operation of a National Museum for the Building Arts in the Federal Building located in the block bounded by Fourth Street, Fifth Street, F Street, and G Street, Northwest in Washington, District of Columbia. Such museum shall—(1) collect and disseminate information concerning the building arts, including the establishment of a national reference center for current and historic documents, publications, and research relating to the building arts;(2) foster educational programs relating to the history, practice and contribution to society of the building arts, including promotion of imaginative educational approaches to enhance understanding and appreciation of all facets of the building arts;(3) publicly display temporary and permanent exhibits illustrating, interpreting and demonstrating the building arts;(4) sponsor or conduct research and study into the history of the building arts and their role in shaping our civilization; and(5) encourage contributions to the building arts. (b) Provisions of cooperative agreementThe cooperative agreement referred to in subsection (a) of this section shall include provisions which—(1) make the site available to the Committee referred to in subsection (a) of this section without charge;(2) provide, subject to available appropriations, such maintenance, security, information, janitorial and other services as may be necessary to assure the preservation and operation of the site; and(3) prescribe reasonable terms and conditions by which the Committee can fulfill its responsibilities under this subchapter. (c) Matching grants-in-aid to Committee; limitation on amounts

    The Secretary is authorized and directed to provide matching grants-in-aid to the Committee referred to in subsection (a) of this section for its programs related to historic preservation. The Committee shall match such grants-in-aid in a manner and with such funds and services as shall be satisfactory to the Secretary, except that no more than $500,000 may be provided to the Committee in any one fiscal year.

    (d) Renovation of siteThe renovation of the site shall be carried out by the Administrator with the advice of the Secretary. Such renovation shall, as far as practicable—(1) be commenced immediately,(2) preserve, enhance, and restore the distinctive and historically authentic architectural character of the site consistent with the needs of a national museum of the building arts and other compatible use, and(3) retain the availability of the central court of the building, or portions thereof, for appropriate public activities. (e) Annual Committee report to Secretary and Administrator

    The Committee shall submit an annual report to the Secretary and the Administrator concerning its activities under this section and shall provide the Secretary and the Administrator with such other information as the Secretary may, from time to time, deem necessary or advisable.

    (f) “Building arts” defined

    For purposes of this section, the term “building arts” includes, but shall not be limited to, all practical and scholarly aspects of prehistoric, historic, and contemporary architecture, archaeology, construction, building technology and skills, landscape architecture, preservation and conservation, building and construction, engineering, urban and community design and renewal, city and regional planning, and related professions, skills, trades, and crafts.

(Pub. L. 89–665, title III, § 306, as added Pub. L. 96–515, title V, § 501, Dec. 12, 1980, 94 Stat. 3002.)