§ 1. Service created; director; other employees
§ 1a. Repealed. June 25, 1948, ch. 646, § 39, 62 Stat. 992, eff. Sept. 1, 1948
§ 1a–1. National Park System: administration; declaration of findings and purpose
§ 1a–2. Secretary of the Interior’s authorization of activities
§ 1a–3. Legislative jurisdiction; relinquishment by Secretary; submittal of proposed agreement to Congressional committees; concurrent legislative jurisdiction
§ 1a–4. Uniform allowance
§ 1a–5. Additional areas for National Park System
§ 1a–6. Law enforcement personnel within National Park System
§ 1a–7. National Park System development program
§ 1a–7a. National Park System crime prevention assistance
§ 1a–7b. Protecting Americans from violent crime
§ 1a–8. Maintenance management system
§ 1a–9. Periodic review of National Park System
§ 1a–10. Consultation with affected agencies and organizations
§ 1a–11. Contents of report
§ 1a–12. Evaluation of proposed boundary changes
§ 1a–13. Proposals for boundary changes
§ 1a–14. National Park System advisory committees
§ 1b. Secretary of the Interior’s authorization of additional activities; administration of National Park System
§ 1c. General administration provisions; system defined; particular areas
§ 1d. Appropriations
§ 1e. National Capital region arts and cultural affairs; grant program
§ 1f. Challenge cost-share agreement authority
§ 1g. Cooperative agreements
§ 1h. Sums provided by private entities for utility services
§ 1i. Reimbursable agreements
§ 1j. Cooperative agreements for national park natural resource protection
§ 2. National parks, reservations, and monuments; supervision
§ 3. Rules and regulations of national parks, reservations, and monuments; timber; leases
§ 3a. Recovery of costs associated with special use permits
§ 3b. Maintenance and repair of Government improvements under concession contracts
§ 4. Rights-of-way through public lands
§ 5. Rights-of-way through parks or reservations for power and communications facilities
§ 6. Donations of lands within national parks and monuments and moneys
§ 6a. Repealed. Pub. L. 90–209, § 2, Dec. 18, 1967, 81 Stat. 656
§ 7. Repealed. Oct. 31, 1951, ch. 654, § 1(35), 65 Stat. 702
§ 7a. Airports in national parks, monuments and recreation areas; construction, etc.
§ 7b. Acquisition of lands for airport use; contracts for operation and maintenance
§ 7c. Authorization to sponsor airport projects; use of funds
§ 7d. Jurisdiction over airports; public operation
§ 7e. Definitions
§ 8. Roads and trails in national parks and monuments; construction, etc.
§ 8–1. Repealed. Pub. L. 85–767, § 2 [33, Aug. 27, 1958, 72 Stat. 919
§ 8a. National-park approach roads; designation
§ 8b. National-park approach roads and roads and trails within national parks and national monuments; construction, improvement, and maintenance; appropriation
§ 8c. National-park approach roads across or within national forests; approval of Secretary of Agriculture
§ 8d. National-monument approach roads
§ 8e. Conveyance to States of roads leading to certain historical areas; conditions; jurisdiction
§ 8f. Roads leading to certain historical areas; “State” defined
§ 9. Repealed. June 30, 1949, ch. 288, title VI, § 602(a)(12), 63 Stat. 400, eff. July 1, 1949; renumbered Sept. 5, 1950, ch. 849, § 6(a), (b), 64 Stat. 583
§ 9a. Government of parks, etc.; violation of regulations as misdemeanor
§ 10, 10a. Repealed. Pub. L. 91–383, § 10(a)(2), (3), as added Pub. L. 94–458, § 2, Oct. 7, 1976, 90 Stat. 1941
§ 11. Medical attention for employees
§ 12. Aid to visitors in emergencies
§ 13. Medical attention to employees at isolated places; removal of bodies for burial
§ 14. Repealed. Pub. L. 88–578, § 2(a), Sept. 3, 1964, 78 Stat. 899
§ 14a. Appropriations; availability for printing information and signs
§ 14b. Credits of receipts for meals and quarters furnished Government employees in the field
§ 14c. Availability for expense of recording donated lands
§ 14d. Use of funds for law enforcement and emergencies
§ 14e. Contribution for annuity benefits
§ 15. Appropriations for purchase of equipment; waterproof footwear
§ 16. Central warehouses at parks and monuments; maintenance; purchase of supplies and materials; distribution
§ 17. Personal equipment and supplies for employees; purchase by Secretary of the Interior; deductions from moneys due employees
§ 17a. Repealed. Pub. L. 89–554, § 8(a), Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 647
§ 17b. Services or other accommodations for public; contracts; rates
§ 17b–1. Repealed. Pub. L. 105–391, title IV, § 415(b)(3), Nov. 13, 1998, 112 Stat. 3516
§ 17c. Procurement of supplies, materials, and special services to aid permittees and licensees in emergencies; authority of Secretary of the Interior
§ 17d. Omitted
§ 17e. Care and removal of indigents; disposition of dead persons
§ 17f. Property of employee lost, damaged, or destroyed while in use on official business; reimbursement of employee
§ 17g. Equipment required by field employees; by whom furnished and maintained
§ 17h. Hire, rental, and purchase of property of employees; when authorized
§ 17i. Hire of work animals, vehicles and equipment with or without personal services; rates
§ 17j. Traveling expenses of National Park System employees and dependents of deceased employees
§ 17j–1. Omitted
§ 17j–2. Authorization of appropriations for road maintenance and repair; administrative expenses; lectures, investigations, telephone service, etc.
§ 17k. Park, parkway and recreational-area programs; study by National Park Service; consent of States; purpose; cooperation of government agencies
§ 17l. Coordination; planning by States with aid of National Park Service
§ 17m. Consent of Congress to agreements between States; when agreements effective
§ 17n. “State” defined
§ 17o. National Park Service housing improvement
§ 18. Promotion of tourist travel
§ 18a. Cooperation with travel agencies; publication of information
§ 18b. Advisory committee for promotion of tourist travel; expenses
§ 18c. Rules and regulations; employees
§ 18d. Authorization of appropriations
§ 18e. Repealed. Sept. 20, 1941, ch. 412, title V, § 541(c), 55 Stat. 710
§ 18f. Management of museum properties
§ 18f–1. Disposal of unnecessary or duplicate museum objects; use of proceeds
§ 18f–2. Additional functions
§ 18f–3. Application and definitions