Title II of the Farm Credit Act of 1971, comprising this subchapter, was originally enacted by [Pub. L. 92–181, title II], Dec. 10, 1971, [85 Stat. 590], and amended by [Pub. L. 95–443], Oct. 10, 1978, [92 Stat. 1066]; [Pub. L. 96–592], Dec. 24, 1980, [94 Stat. 3437]; [Pub. L. 99–205], Dec. 23, 1985, [99 Stat. 1678]; [Pub. L. 99–509], Oct. 21, 1986, [100 Stat. 1874]; [Pub. L. 100–233], Jan. 6, 1988, [101 Stat. 1568]. Such title is shown herein, however, as having been added by [Pub. L. 100–233, title IV, § 401], Jan. 6, 1988, [101 Stat. 1622], without reference to such intervening amendments because of the extensive revision of the title’s provisions by [Pub. L. 100–233].