Chapter 1405. PROMOTIONS  

§ 14301. Eligibility for consideration for promotion: general rules
§ 14302. Promotion zones
§ 14303. Eligibility for consideration for promotion: minimum years of service in grade
§ 14304. Eligibility for consideration for promotion: maximum years of service in grade
§ 14305. Establishment of promotion zones: mandatory consideration for promotion
§ 14306. Establishment of promotion zones: Navy Reserve and Marine Corps Reserve running mate system
§ 14307. Number of officers to be recommended for promotion
§ 14308. Promotions: how made
§ 14309. Acceptance of promotion; oath of office
§ 14310. Removal of officers from a list of officers recommended for promotion
§ 14311. Delay of promotion: involuntary
§ 14312. Delay of promotion: voluntary
§ 14313. Authority to vacate promotions to grade of brigadier general or rear admiral (lower half)
§ 14314. Army and Air Force commissioned officers: generals ceasing to occupy positions commensurate with grade; State adjutants general
§ 14315. Position vacancy promotions: Army and Air Force officers
§ 14316. Army National Guard and Air National Guard: appointment to and Federal recognition in a higher reserve grade after selection for promotion
§ 14317. Officers in transition to and from the active-status list or active-duty list



2006—Pub. L. 109–163, div. A, title V, § 515(b)(4)(I), Jan. 6, 2006, 119 Stat. 3235, substituted “Navy Reserve” for “Naval Reserve” in item 14306.

1996—Pub. L. 104–106, div. A, title XV, § 1501(b)(24), Feb. 10, 1996, 110 Stat. 497, substituted “Number” for “Numbers” in item 14307, a semicolon for a colon in item 14309, and “State” for “state” in item 14314.