Chapter 933. PROCUREMENT  

§ 9531. Repealed. Pub. L. 103–160, div. A, title VIII, § 823(2), Nov. 30, 1993, 107 Stat. 1707
§ 9532. Factories, arsenals, and depots: manufacture at
§ 9534, 9535. Repealed. Pub. L. 103–160, div. A, title VIII, § 823(4), (5), Nov. 30, 1993, 107 Stat. 1707
§ 9536. Equipment: bakeries, schools, kitchens, and mess halls
§ 9537, 9538. Repealed. Pub. L. 103–160, div. A, title VIII, § 823(6), (7), Nov. 30, 1993, 107 Stat. 1707
§ 9540. Architectural and engineering services
§ 9541. Repealed. Pub. L. 103–160, div. A, title VIII, § 822(d)(2), Nov. 30, 1993, 107 Stat. 1707



1993—Pub. L. 103–160, div. A, title VIII, § 828(a)(9), Nov. 30, 1993, 107 Stat. 1713, struck out items 9531, “Authorization”, 9534, “Subsistence supplies: contract stipulations; place of delivery on inspection”, 9535, “Exceptional subsistence supplies: purchases without advertising”, 9537, “Military surveys and maps: assistance of United States mapping agencies”, 9538, “Unserviceable ammunition: exchange and reclamation”, and 9541, “Gratuitous services of officers of the Air Force Reserve”.

1982—Pub. L. 97–258, § 2(b)(13)(A), Sept. 13, 1982, 96 Stat. 1058, added item 9541.