Improved Coordination of Job Training and Placement Programs for Members of Armed Forces
[Pub. L. 102–484, div. D, title XLIV, § 4461], Oct. 23, 1992, [106 Stat. 2738], as amended by [Pub. L. 105–277, div. A, § 101(f)] [title VIII, § 405(d)(7)(B), (f)(6)(B)], Oct. 21, 1998, [112 Stat. 2681–337], 2681–419, 2681–430; [Pub. L. 105–332, § 3(b)], Oct. 31, 1998, [112 Stat. 3125]; [Pub. L. 106–398, § 1] [[div. A], title X, § 1087(g)(7)], Oct. 30, 2000, [114 Stat. 1654], 1654A–294; [Pub. L. 107–107, div. A, title X, § 1048(h)(3)], Dec. 28, 2001, [115 Stat. 1229], provided that: “The Secretary of Defense shall consult with the Secretary of Labor, the Secretary of Education, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and the Economic Adjustment Committee to improve the coordination of, and eliminate duplication between, the following job training and placement programs available to members of the Armed Forces who are discharged or released from active duty:“(1) Title I of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 [[29 U.S.C. 2801] et seq.].“(2) Sections 1143 and 1144 of title 10, United States Code.“(3) Chapter 41 of title 38, United States Code.“(4) The Act of August 16, 1937 (Chapter 663; 50 Stat 664; [29 U.S.C. 50] et seq.), commonly known as the National Apprenticeship Act.“(5) The Wagner-Peyser Act ([29 U.S.C. 49] et seq.).”
Participation of Discharged Military Personnel in Upward Bound Projects To Prepare for College
[Pub. L. 102–484, div. D, title XLIV, § 4466], Oct. 23, 1992, [106 Stat. 2748], as amended by [Pub. L. 103–337, div. A, title V, § 543(f)], Oct. 5, 1994, [108 Stat. 2771]; [Pub. L. 107–296, title XVII, § 1704(e)(4)], Nov. 25, 2002, [116 Stat. 2315], provided that:“(a)Program.—The Secretary of Defense may carry out a program to assist a member of the Armed Forces described in subsection (b) who is accepted to participate in an upward bound project assisted under section 402C of the Higher Education Act of 1965 ([20 U.S.C. 1070a–13]) to cover the cost of providing services through the project to the member to assist the member to prepare for and pursue a program of higher education upon separation from active duty. Assistance provided under the program may include a stipend provided under subsection (d) of such section.“(b)Eligible Members.—A member of the Armed Forces shall be eligible for assistance under subsection (a) if the member—“(1) was on active duty or full-time National Guard duty on September 30, 1990;“(2) during the five-year period beginning on that date, was or is discharged or released from such duty (under other than adverse circumstances); and“(3) submits an application to the Secretary of Defense within such time, in such form, and containing such information as the Secretary of Defense may require.“(c)Notification of Members Previously Separated.—To the extent feasible, the Secretary of Defense shall notify members of the Armed Forces who, between September 30, 1990, and the date of the enactment of this Act [Oct. 23, 1992], were discharged or released from active duty or full-time National Guard duty regarding the availability of the program under subsection (a). The Secretary may establish a time limit within which such members may apply to participate in the program.“(d) Provision of Assistance.—“(1)Determination of amount.—The amount of assistance provided under subsection (a) to a member of the Armed Forces shall be equal to the anticipated cost of providing services to the member through an upward bound project, subject to the limitation that such amount may not exceed the monthly basic pay to which the member is entitled at the time of the separation of the member. The Secretary of Defense may provide assistance in excess of that limitation if the Secretary determines, on a case by case basis, that such assistance is warranted by the special training needs of the member.“(2)Consultation.—The Secretary of Education may assist the Secretary of Defense in determining the amount to be provided under paragraph (1).“(e)Use of Assistance.—A member of the Armed Forces who is selected to participate in the program may receive services through any upward bound project assisted under section 402C of the Higher Education Act of 1965 ([20 U.S.C. 1070a–13]) to the same extent as other individuals eligible to receive such services. A member may not participate after the end of the two-year period beginning on the date on which the member is discharged or released from active duty, except that, in the case of a member described in subsection (b) who was discharged or released from active duty before the date of the enactment of this Act [Oct. 23, 1993], the period for participation in the program shall be two years from the date of the enactment of this Act.“(f)Reimbursement.—Upon submission to the Secretary of Defense of a request for reimbursement of the costs to provide services to a participant, the Secretary shall reimburse the upward bound project submitting the request for the actual cost of providing services (including a stipend) to the member, not to exceed the amount provided under subsection (d)(1). Funds provided under this subsection shall be in addition to the funds otherwise provided to the project under the Higher Education Act of 1965 ([20 U.S.C. 1001] et seq.) [and [42 U.S.C. 2751] et seq.]. Not more than 10 percent of the funds provided under this subsection may be used for administrative costs.“(g)Funding for Fiscal Year 1993.—Of the amount authorized to be appropriated in section 301 [[106 Stat. 2360]] for Defense Agencies, $5,000,000 shall be available to provide assistance under this section.“(h)Application to Coast Guard.—The Secretary of Homeland Security may implement the provisions of this section for the Coast Guard in the same manner and to the same extent as such section applies to the Department of Defense.”
Service Members Occupational Conversion and Training
[Pub. L. 103–337, div. A, title V, § 543(g)(2)], Oct. 5, 1994, [108 Stat. 2772], provided that: “As soon as possible after the date of the enactment of this Act [Oct. 5, 1994], the Secretary of Transportation shall implement the requirements of the Service Members Occupational Conversion and Training Act of 1992 (subtitle G of title XLIV of [Public Law 102–484]; [10 U.S.C. 1143] note) for the Coast Guard.”
[Pub. L. 102–484, div. D, title XLIV], subtitle G, Oct. 23, 1992, [106 Stat. 2757], as amended by [Pub. L. 103–160, div. A, title XIII, § 1338], Nov. 30, 1993, [107 Stat. 1807]; [Pub. L. 103–337, div. A, title V, § 543(g)(1)], Oct. 5, 1994, [108 Stat. 2772]; [Pub. L. 103–446, title VI, § 610(a)(1)], (2)(A), (b), (c), Nov. 2, 1994, [108 Stat. 4673]; [Pub. L. 105–277, div. A, § 101(f)] [title VIII, § 405(d)(7)(D), (f)(6)(D)], Oct. 21, 1998, [112 Stat. 2681–337], 2681–420, 2681–430, provided that:“SEC. 4481. SHORT TITLE.“This subtitle [subtitle G (§§ 4481–4497) of title XLIV of [Pub. L. 102–484]] may be cited as the ‘Service Members Occupational Conversion and Training Act of 1992’.
“SEC. 4482. FINDINGS AND PURPOSES.“(a)Findings.—The Congress finds that—“(1) the men and women serving in our Nation’s Armed Forces are of the highest caliber—intelligent, dedicated, and disciplined—and hundreds of thousands of these service members will be separating from the Armed Forces due to the drawdown in military personnel;“(2) these men and women will be entering the civilian workforce during a time of economic instability and uncertainty;“(3) many of these service personnel specialized in critical skills such as combat arms which will not transfer to the civilian workforce;“(4) as part of the Nation’s obligation to these service members, the Secretary of Defense has a unique responsibility and obligation to provide them with the tools they need to be reassimilated into the civilian community and continue to be outstanding, productive citizens;“(5) the rapid placement of separated military personnel in civilian employment and training opportunities will significantly reduce the Department of Defense’s costs relative to unemployment compensation for ex-service members;“(6) military personnel are a national resource whose skills and abilities must be absorbed by and integrated into the civilian workforce; and“(7) providing such training will reduce the total cost of the drawdown and is important to the national defense function of the Department of Defense.“(b)Purpose.—The purpose of this subtitle is to provide additional means by which the Secretary of Defense can manage the drawdown of the Armed Forces and to provide additional forms of assistance to members of the Armed Forces who are forced or induced to leave military service by reason of the drawdown of the Armed Forces, thereby facilitating the Secretary’s ability to achieve end strength reductions caused by the drawdown.“SEC. 4483. DEFINITIONS.“For the purposes of this subtitle:“(1) The term ‘Secretary’ means the Secretary of Defense with respect to the Department of Defense and the Secretary of Transportation with respect to the Coast Guard.“(2) The terms ‘veteran’, ‘compensation’, ‘service-connected’, ‘State’, and ‘active military, naval, or air service’ have the meanings given such terms in paragraphs (2), (13), (16), (20), and (24), respectively, of [section 101 of title 38], United States Code.“SEC. 4484. ESTABLISHMENT OF PROGRAM.“(a)Establishment.—Not later than 60 days after the date of enactment of this Act [Oct. 23, 1992], the Secretary shall carry out a program in accordance with this subtitle to assist eligible persons in obtaining employment through participation in programs of significant training for employment in stable and permanent positions. The Secretary may enter into an agreement with the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, the Secretary of Labor, or both, for the implementation of the program. The program shall be carried out through payments to employers who employ and train eligible persons in such positions. Such payments shall be made to assist such employers in defraying the costs of necessary training.“(b)State Agencies.—(1) The implementing official may enter into contracts or agreements with State approving agencies, as designated pursuant to [section 3671(a) of title 38], United States Code, or other State agencies to carry out any duty of the implementing official under this subtitle. Payment may be made to such agencies pursuant to any such contract or agreement for reasonable and necessary expenses of salary and travel incurred by employees of such agencies in carrying out such duties. Each such payment may be made only from funds available to the implementing official pursuant to section 4495(a)(3).“(2) Each State approving agency or other State agency with which a contract or agreement is entered into under this section shall submit to the implementing official on a monthly or quarterly basis, as determined by the agency, a report containing a certification of such expenses for the period covered by the report. The report shall be submitted in the form and manner required by such official.“(c)Expeditious Implementation.—A requirement in this subtitle to issue regulations shall not be the basis for a delay in carrying out this program within the time limit established by subsection (a).“SEC. 4485. ELIGIBILITY FOR PROGRAM; PERIOD OF TRAINING.“(a)In General.—(1) To be eligible for participation in a program of job training under this subtitle, an eligible person must be an eligible person described in paragraph (2) who—“(A)(i) is unemployed at the time of applying for participation in a program under this subtitle; and“(ii) has been unemployed for at least 8 of the 15 weeks immediately preceding the date of such eligible person’s application for participation in a program under this subtitle;“(B) separates from the active military, naval, or air service and whose primary or secondary occupational specialty in the Armed Forces is (as determined under regulations prescribed by the Secretary and in effect before the date of such separation) not readily transferable to the civilian workforce; or“(C) served in the active military, naval, or air service and is entitled to compensation (or who but for the receipt of military retired pay would be entitled to compensation) under the laws administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs for a disability rated at 30 percent or more.“(2) For purposes of paragraph (1), an eligible person referred to in paragraph (1) is a veteran who—“(A) was discharged on or after August 2, 1990; and“(B)(i) served in the active military, naval, or air service for a period of more than 90 days; or“(ii) was discharged or released from active duty because of a service-connected disability.“(3) For purposes of paragraph (1), an eligible person shall be considered to be unemployed during any period such person is without a job and wants and is available for work. In determining whether a person is unemployed for purposes of paragraph (1), the implementing official shall not take into consideration part-time or temporary employment, as defined by such official.“(b)Application Process.—(1) An eligible person who desires to participate in a program of job training under this subtitle shall submit to the implementing official an application for participation in such a program. Such an application—“(A) shall include a certification by the eligible person that the eligible person meets the criteria for eligibility prescribed by subparagraph (A), (B), or (C) of subsection (a)(1);“(B) shall include an opportunity for the eligible person to request counseling under section 4493(a); and“(C) shall be in such form and contain such additional information as such official may prescribe.“(2)(A) Subject to subparagraph (B), an application by an eligible person for participation in a program of job training under this subtitle shall be approved unless the implementing official finds that the eligible person is not eligible to participate in a program of job training under this subtitle.“(B) Approval of an application of an eligible person under this subtitle may be withheld if the implementing official determines that, because of limited funds available for the purpose of making payments to employers under this subtitle, it is necessary to limit the number of participants in the program carried out under this subtitle.“(3)(A) Subject to section 4491(c), the implementing official shall certify as eligible for participation under this subtitle an eligible person whose application is approved under this subsection and shall furnish the eligible person with a certificate of that eligible person’s eligibility for presentation to an employer offering a program of job training under this subtitle. Any such certificate shall expire 180 days after it is furnished to the eligible person. The date on which a certificate is furnished to an eligible person under this paragraph shall be stated on the certificate.“(B) A certificate furnished under this paragraph may, upon the eligible person’s application, be renewed in accordance with the terms and conditions of subparagraph (A).“(c)Appeal of Denial of Certificate.—The implementing official shall permit each eligible person who is not issued a certificate of eligibility under subsection (b) (other than an eligible person who is not issued such a certificate by reason of subsection (b)(2)(B)) to challenge in a hearing before the implementing official the decision of the implementing official not to issue the certificate. The implementing official shall prescribe procedures with respect to the initiation and conduct of hearings under this subsection.“(d)Period of Training.—An employer shall provide a period of training under a program of job training under this subtitle of not less than 6 months in a field of employment providing a reasonable probability of stable, long-term employment.“SEC. 4486. APPROVAL OF EMPLOYER PROGRAMS.“(a)In General.—(1) An employer may be paid assistance under section 4487(a) on behalf of an eligible person employed by such employer and participating in a program of job training offered by that employer only if the program is approved under this section.“(2) Except as provided in subsection (b), a proposed program of job training of an employer shall be approved unless the implementing official determines that the application does not contain a certification and other information meeting the requirements established under this subtitle or that withholding of approval is warranted under subsection (g).“(b)Ineligible Programs.—A program of job training—“(1) for employment which consists of seasonal, intermittent, or temporary jobs;“(2) for employment under which commissions are the primary source of income;“(3) for employment which involves political or religious activities;“(4) for employment with any department, agency, instrumentality, or branch of the Federal Government (including the United States Postal Service and the Postal Rate Commission); or“(5) for employment outside of a State,may not be approved under this subtitle.“(c)Application.—An employer offering a program of job training that the employer desires to have approved for the purposes of this subtitle shall submit to the implementing official a written application for such approval. Such application shall be in such form as such official shall prescribe.“(d)Certification.—An application under subsection (c) shall include a certification by the employer of the following:“(1) That the employer is planning that, upon an eligible person’s completion of the program of job training, the employer will employ the eligible person in a position for which the eligible person has been trained and that the employer expects that such a position will be available on a stable and permanent basis to the eligible person at the end of the training period.“(2) That the wages and benefits to be paid to an eligible person participating in the employer’s program of job training will be not less than the wages and benefits normally paid to other employees participating in the same or a comparable program of job training in the community for the entire period of training of the eligible person.“(3) That the employment of an eligible person under the program—“(A) will not result in the displacement of currently employed workers (including partial displacement such as a reduction in the hours of nonovertime work, wages, or employment benefits); and“(B) will not be in a job (i) while any other individual is on layoff from the same or any substantially equivalent job, or (ii) the opening for which was created as a result of the employer having terminated the employment of any regular employee or otherwise having reduced its work force with the intention of hiring an eligible person in such job under this subtitle.“(4) That the employer will not employ in the program of job training an eligible person who is already qualified by training and experience for the job for which training is to be provided.“(5) That the job which is the objective of the training program is one that involves significant training.“(6) That the training content of the program is adequate, in light of the nature of the occupation for which training is to be provided and of comparable training opportunities in such occupation, to accomplish the training objective certified under paragraph (2) of subsection (e).“(7) That each participating eligible person will be employed full time in the program of job training.“(8) That the training period under the proposed program is not longer than the training periods that employers in the community customarily require new employees to complete in order to become competent in the occupation or job for which training is to be provided.“(9) That there are in the training establishment or place of employment such space, equipment, instructional material, and instructor personnel as are needed to accomplish the training objective certified under subsection (e)(2).“(10) That the employer will keep records adequate to show the progress made by each eligible person participating in the program and otherwise to demonstrate compliance with the requirements established under this subtitle.“(11) That the employer will furnish each participating eligible person, before the eligible person’s entry into training, with a copy of the employer’s certification under this subsection and will obtain and retain the eligible person’s signed acknowledgment of having received such certification.“(12) That, as applicable, the employer will provide each participating eligible person with the full opportunity to participate in a personal interview pursuant to section 4493(b)(1)(B) during the eligible person’s normal workday.“(13) That the program meets such other criteria as the Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and the Secretary of Labor, may determine are essential for the effective implementation of the program established by this subtitle.“(e)Hours and Training Content.—A certification under subsection (d) shall include—“(1) a statement indicating (A) the total number of hours of participation in the program of job training to be offered an eligible person, (B) the length of the program of job training, and (C) the starting rate of wages to be paid to a participant in the program; and“(2) a description of the training content of the program (including any agreement the employer has entered into with an educational institution under section 4489) and of the objective of the training.“(f)Status of Certified Matters.—(1) Except as specified in paragraph (2), each matter required to be certified to in paragraphs (1) through (11) of subsection (d) shall be considered to be a requirement established under this subtitle.“(2)(A) For the purposes of section 4487(c), only matters required to be certified in paragraphs (1) through (10) of subsection (d) shall be so considered.“(B) For the purposes of section 4490, a matter required to be certified under paragraph (12) of subsection (d) shall also be so considered.“(g)Withholding Approval; Disapproval.—In accordance with regulations which the Secretary shall prescribe, the implementing official may withhold approval of an employer’s proposed program of job training pending the outcome of an investigation under section 4491 and, based on the outcome of such an investigation, may disapprove such program.“(h)On-Job Training.—For the purposes of this section, approval of a program of apprenticeship or other on-job training for the purposes of [section 3687 of title 38], United States Code, shall be considered to meet all requirements established under the provisions of this subtitle (other than subsection (b) and (d)(3)) for approval of a program of job training.“SEC. 4487. PAYMENTS TO EMPLOYERS; OVERPAYMENT.“(a)Payments.—(1)(A) Except as provided in subsections (b) and (c) and subject to section 4485(d), the implementing official shall make payments to employers in accordance with this section. The amount payable to such an employer on behalf of an eligible person with respect to an approved program of job training under this subtitle shall be determined by such official at the beginning of such program. Except as provided in subparagraphs (B) and (C), that amount shall be equal to 50 percent of the product of (i) the starting hourly rate of wages paid to the eligible person by the employer (without regard to overtime or premium pay), and (ii) the number of hours to be worked by the eligible person during the entire program period but in no event to exceed hours equivalent to 18 months of training.“(B) In no case may the amount determined under subparagraph (A) exceed—“(i) $12,000 for an eligible person with a service-connected disability rated at 30 percent or more; or“(ii) $10,000 for an eligible person not described in clause (i).“(C) Assistance may be paid under this subtitle on behalf of an eligible person to that person’s employer for training under two or more programs of job training under this subtitle if such employer has not received (or is not due) on that person’s behalf assistance in an amount aggregating the applicable amount set forth in subparagraph (B).“(b)Payment Period.—(1) Except as provided in paragraphs (2) and (3), the implementing official shall pay training assistance to employers under this section on a quarterly basis.“(2) The implementing official may pay training assistance to an employer on a monthly basis if the implementing official determines (pursuant to regulations prescribed by the implementing official) that the number of employees of the employer is such that the payment of assistance on a quarterly basis would be burdensome to the employer.“(3) The implementing official shall withhold 25 percent of each payment due under this subsection with respect to an eligible person. The total amount withheld with respect to an eligible person under this paragraph shall be paid to the employer at the end of the four month period of employment of such person under this subtitle beginning on the date of completion of training, or upon the completion of the 18th month of training under the last training program approved for the person’s pursuit with that employer under this subtitle, whichever is earlier.“(c)Tools and Other Work-Related Materials.—In addition to payments under subsection (a), the implementing official shall reimburse the employer for the cost of tools and other work-related materials necessary for the eligible person’s participation in the program of job training in an amount up to $500 if the employer presents to the implementing official a certification signed by the employer and eligible person that—“(1) tools and other work-related materials are necessary for the eligible person’s participation in the job training program,“(2) the eligible person bought the tools and other work-related materials, and“(3) the employer paid the eligible person for the cost of the tools and other work-related materials.“(d)Overpayments.—(1)(A) Whenever the implementing official finds that an overpayment under this subtitle has been made to an employer on behalf of an eligible person as a result of a certification, or information contained in an application, submitted by an employer which was false in any material respect, the amount of such overpayment shall constitute a liability of the employer to the United States.“(B) Whenever such official finds that an employer has failed in any substantial respect to comply for a period of time with a requirement established under this subtitle (unless the employer’s failure is the result of false or incomplete information provided by the eligible person), each amount paid to the employer on behalf of an eligible person for that period shall be considered to be an overpayment under this subtitle, and the amount of such overpayment shall constitute a liability of the employer to the United States.“(2) Whenever such official finds that an overpayment under this subtitle has been made to an employer on behalf of an eligible person as a result of a certification by the eligible person, or as a result of information provided to an employer or contained in an application submitted by the eligible person, which was willfully or negligently false in any material respect, the amount of such overpayment shall constitute a liability of the eligible person to the United States.“(3) Any overpayment referred to in paragraph (1) or (2) may be recovered in the same manner as any other debt due the United States. Any overpayment recovered shall be credited to funds available to make payments under this subtitle. If there are no such funds, any overpayment recovered shall be deposited into the Treasury.“(4) Any overpayment referred to in paragraph (1) or (2) may be waived, in whole or in part, in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in [section 5302 of title 38], United States Code.“(e)Limitations.—(1) Payment may not be made to an employer for a period of training under this subtitle on behalf of an eligible person until the implementing official has received—“(A) from the eligible person, a certification that the eligible person was employed full time by the employer in a program of job training during such period; and“(B) from the employer, a certification—“(i) that the eligible person was employed by the employer during that period and that the eligible person’s performance and progress during such period were satisfactory; and“(ii) of the number of hours worked by the eligible person during that period.With respect to the first such certification by an employer with respect to an eligible person, the certification shall indicate the date on which the employment of the eligible person began and the starting hourly rate of wages paid to the eligible person (without regard to overtime or premium pay).“(2) Payment may not be made to an employer for a period of training under this subtitle on behalf of an eligible person for which a request for payment is made after two years after the date on which that period of training ends.“SEC. 4488. ENTRY INTO PROGRAM OF JOB TRAINING.“(a)In General.—Notwithstanding any other provision of this subtitle, the implementing official shall withhold or deny approval of an eligible person’s entry into an approved program of job training if such official determines that funds are not available to make payments under this subtitle on behalf of the eligible person to the employer offering that program. Before the entry of an eligible person into an approved program of job training of an employer for purposes of assistance under this subtitle, the employer shall notify such official of the employer’s intention to employ that eligible person. The eligible person may begin such program of job training with the employer on the day that notice is transmitted to such official by means prescribed by such official. However, assistance under this subtitle may not be provided to the employer if such official, within two weeks after the date on which such notice is transmitted, disapproves the eligible person’s entry into that program of job training in accordance with this section.“(b)Period for Commencement of Participation Under Certificate.—An eligible person who is issued a certificate of eligibility for participation in a program of job training under this subtitle shall commence participation in such a program not more than 180 days after the date of the issuance of the certificate. The date on which a certificate is furnished to an eligible person shall be stated on the certificate.“SEC. 4489. PROVISION OF TRAINING THROUGH EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS.“An employer may enter into an agreement with an educational institution that has been approved for the purposes of chapter 106 of title 10, United States Code, or any other institution offering a program of job training, as approved by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, in order that such institution may provide a program of job training (or a portion of such a program) under this subtitle. When such an agreement has been entered into, the application of the employer under section 4486 shall so state and shall include a description of the training to be provided under the agreement.
“SEC. 4490. DISCONTINUANCE OF APPROVAL OF PARTICIPATION IN CERTAIN EMPLOYER PROGRAMS.“(a)Failure To Meet Requirements.—If the implementing official finds at any time that a program of job training previously approved for the purposes of this subtitle thereafter fails to meet any of the requirements established under this subtitle, such official may immediately disapprove further participation by eligible persons in that program. Such official shall provide to the employer concerned, and to each eligible person participating in the employer’s program, a statement of the reasons for, and an opportunity for a hearing with respect to, such disapproval. The employer and each such eligible person shall be notified of such disapproval, the reasons for such disapproval, and the opportunity for a hearing. Notification shall be by a certified or registered letter, and a return receipt shall be secured.“(b)Rate of Completion.—(1) If the implementing official determines that the rate of eligible persons’ successful completion of an employer’s programs of job training previously approved for the purposes of this subtitle is disproportionately low because of deficiencies in the quality of such programs, such official shall disapprove participation in such programs on the part of eligible persons who had not begun such participation on the date that the employer is notified of the disapproval. In determining whether any such rate is disproportionately low because of such deficiencies, such official shall take into account appropriate data, including—“(A) the quarterly data provided by the Secretary of Labor with respect to the number of eligible persons who receive counseling in connection with training under this subtitle, are referred to employers under this subtitle, participate in job training under this subtitle, and complete such training or do not complete such training, and the reasons for noncompletion; and“(B) data compiled through the particular employer’s compliance surveys.“(2) With respect to a disapproval under paragraph (1), the implementing official shall provide to the employer concerned the kind of statement, opportunity for hearing, and notice described in subsection (a).“(3) A disapproval under paragraph (1) shall remain in effect until such time as the implementing official determines that adequate remedial action has been taken.“SEC. 4491. INSPECTION OF RECORDS; INVESTIGATIONS.“(a)Records.—The records and accounts of employers pertaining to eligible persons on behalf of whom assistance has been paid under this subtitle, as well as other records that the implementing official determines to be necessary to ascertain compliance with the requirements established under this subtitle, shall be available at reasonable times for examination by authorized representatives of the Federal Government.“(b)Compliance Monitoring.—Such official may monitor employers and eligible persons participating in programs of job training under this subtitle to determine compliance with the requirements established under this subtitle.“(c)Investigations.—Such official may investigate any matter such official considers necessary to determine compliance with the requirements established under this subtitle. The investigations authorized by this subsection may include examining records (including making certified copies of records), questioning employees, and entering into any premises or onto any site where any part of a program of job training is conducted under this subtitle, or where any of the records of the employer offering or providing such program are kept.“(d)Department of Labor.—Functions may be administered under subsections (b) and (c) in accordance with an agreement between the Secretary and the Secretary of Labor providing for the administration of such subsections (or any portion of such subsections) by the Department of Labor. Under such an agreement, any entity of the Department of Labor specified in the agreement may administer such subsections.“SEC. 4492. COORDINATION WITH OTHER PROGRAMS.“(a)Veterans Education Programs.—(1) Assistance may not be paid under this subtitle to an employer on behalf of an eligible person for any period of time described in paragraph (2) and to such eligible person under chapter 30, 31, 32, 35, or 36 of title 38, United States Code, or chapter 106 of title 10, United States Code, for the same period of time.“(2) A period of time referred to in paragraph (1) is the period of time beginning on the date on which the eligible person enters into an approved program of job training of an employer for purposes of assistance under this subtitle and ending on the last date for which such assistance is payable.“(b)Other Training and Employment.—Assistance may not be paid under this subtitle to an employer on behalf of an eligible person for any period if the employer receives for that period any other form of assistance on account of the training or employment of the eligible person, including assistance under title I of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 [[29 U.S.C. 2801] et seq.] or a credit under section 51 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 [[26 U.S.C. 51]] (relating to credit for employment of certain new employees).“(c)Previous Completion of Program.—Assistance may not be paid under this subtitle on behalf of an eligible person who has completed a program of job training under this subtitle.“(d)Promotion.—(1) In carrying out [section 3116(b) of title 38], United States Code, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall take all feasible steps to establish and encourage, for eligible persons who are eligible to have payments made on their behalf under such section, the development of training opportunities through programs of job training under this subtitle.“(2) The Secretary of Veterans Affairs, in cooperation with the implementing official (unless the Secretary of Veterans Affairs is the implementing official), shall take all feasible steps to ensure that, in the cases of eligible persons who are eligible to have payments made on their behalf under both this subtitle and [section 3116(b) of title 38], United States Code, the authority under such section is utilized, to the maximum extent feasible and consistent with the eligible person’s best interests, to make payments to employers on behalf of such eligible persons.“SEC. 4493. COUNSELING.“(a)In General.—The implementing official shall, upon request, provide, by contract or otherwise, employment counseling services to any eligible person eligible to participate under this subtitle in order to assist such eligible person in selecting a suitable program of job training under this subtitle.“(b)Case Manager.—(1) The implementing official shall provide for a program under which—“(A) except as provided in paragraph (2), a disabled veteran’s outreach program specialist appointed under [section 4103A(a) of title 38], United States Code, is assigned as a case manager for each eligible person participating in a program of job training under this subtitle;“(B) the eligible person has an in-person interview with the case manager not later than 60 days after entering into a program of training under this subtitle; and“(C) periodic (not less frequent than monthly) contact is maintained with each such eligible person for the purpose of (i) avoiding unnecessary termination of employment, (ii) referring the eligible person to appropriate counseling, if necessary, (iii) facilitating the eligible person’s successful completion of such program, and (iv) following up with the employer and the eligible person in order to determine the eligible person’s progress in the program and the outcome regarding the eligible person’s participation in and successful completion of the program.“(2) No case manager shall be assigned pursuant to paragraph (1)(A)—“(A) for an eligible person if, on the basis of a recommendation made by a disabled veterans’ outreach program specialist, the implementing official determines that there is no need for a case manager for such eligible person; or“(B) in the case of the employees of an employer, if the implementing official determines that—“(i) the employer has an appropriate and effective employee assistance program that is available to all eligible persons participating in the employer’s programs of job training under this subtitle; or“(ii) the rate of eligible persons’ successful completion of the employer’s programs of job training under this subtitle, either cumulatively or during the previous program year, is 60 percent or higher.“(3) The implementing official shall provide, to the extent feasible, a program of counseling or other services designed to resolve difficulties that may be encountered by eligible persons during their training under this subtitle. Such counseling or other services shall be similar to the counseling and other services provided under sections 1712A, 3697A, 4103A, 4104, [former] 7723, and [former] 7724 of title 38, United States Code, and [section 1144 of title 10], United States Code.“(c)Case Manager Required.—Before an eligible person who voluntarily terminates from a program of job training under this subtitle or is involuntarily terminated from such program by the employer may be eligible to be provided with a further certificate, or renewal of certification, of eligibility for participation under this subtitle, such eligible person must be provided by the Secretary of Labor, after consultation with the implementing official, with a case manager.“SEC. 4494. INFORMATION AND OUTREACH; USE OF AGENCY RESOURCES.“(a)In General.—(1) The Secretary, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and the Secretary of Labor shall jointly provide for an outreach and public information program—“(A) to inform eligible persons about the employment and job training opportunities available under this subtitle and under other provisions of law; and“(B) to inform private industry and business concerns (including small business concerns), public agencies and organizations, educational institutions, trade associations, and labor unions about the job training opportunities available under, and the advantages of participating in, the program established by this subtitle.“(2) The Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of Labor and the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, shall promote the development of employment and job training opportunities for eligible persons by encouraging potential employers to make programs of job training under this subtitle available for eligible persons, by advising other appropriate Federal departments and agencies of the program established by this subtitle, and by advising employers of applicable responsibilities under chapters 41 and 42 of title 38, United States Code, with respect to eligible persons.“(b)Coordination.—The Secretary, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and the Secretary of Labor shall coordinate the outreach and public information program under subsection (a)(1), and job development activities under subsection (a)(2), with job counseling, placement, job development, and other services provided for under chapters 41 and 42 of title 38, United States Code, and with other similar services offered by other public agencies and organizations.“(c)Agency Resources.—(1) The Secretary, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and the Secretary of Labor shall make available such personnel as are necessary to facilitate the effective implementation of this subtitle.“(2) In carrying out the responsibilities of the Secretary of Labor under this subtitle, the Secretary of Labor shall make maximum use of the services of Directors and Assistant Directors for Veterans’ Employment and Training, disabled veterans’ outreach program specialists, and employees of local offices, appointed pursuant to sections 4103, 4103A, and 4104 of title 38, United States Code. To the extent that the implementing official withholds approval of eligible persons’ applications under this subtitle pursuant to section 4485(b)(2)(B), the Secretary of Labor shall take steps to assist such eligible persons in taking advantage of opportunities that may be available to them under any other program carried out with funds provided by the Secretary of Labor.“(d)Small Business.—The implementing official shall request and obtain from the Administrator of the Small Business Administration a list of small business concerns and shall, on a regular basis, update such list. Such list shall be used to identify and promote possible training and employment opportunities for eligible persons.“(e)Assistance To Participate.—The Secretary, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and the Secretary of Labor shall assist eligible persons and employers desiring to participate under this subtitle in making application and completing necessary certifications.“(f)Collection of Certain Information.—The Secretary of Labor shall, on a not less frequent than quarterly basis, collect and compile from the heads of State employment services and Directors for Veterans’ Employment and Training for each State information available to such heads and Directors, and derived from programs carried out in their respective States, with respect to the numbers of eligible persons who receive counseling services pursuant to section 4493, who are referred to employers participating under this subtitle, who participate in programs of job training under this subtitle (including a description of the nature of the training and salaries that are part of such programs), and who complete such programs, and the reasons for eligible persons’ noncompletion.“SEC. 4495. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.“(a)In General.—(1) Of the amounts authorized to be appropriated in section 301 [[106 Stat. 2360]] for Defense Agencies, $75,000,000 shall be made available for the purpose of making payments to employers under this subtitle. Of the amounts made available pursuant to section 1302(a) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1994 [[Pub. L. 103–160], [107 Stat. 1783]], $25,000,000 shall be made available for the purpose of making payments to employers under this subtitle. The Secretary of Veterans Affairs and the Secretary of Labor shall submit an estimate to the Secretary of the amount needed to carry out any agreement entered into under section 4484(a), including administrative costs referred to in paragraph (3). Such agreements shall include administrative procedures to ensure the prompt and timely payments to employers by the implementing official.“(2) Amounts made available pursuant to this section for a fiscal year shall remain available until the end of the second fiscal year following the fiscal year in which such amounts were appropriated.“(3) Of the amounts made available pursuant to this section for a fiscal year, six percent of such amounts may be used for the purpose of administering this subtitle, including reimbursing expenses incurred.“(b)Availability of Deobligated Funds.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any funds made available pursuant to this section for a fiscal year which are obligated for the purpose of making payments under section 4487 on behalf of an eligible person (including funds so obligated which previously had been obligated for such purpose on behalf of another eligible person and were thereafter deobligated) and are later deobligated shall immediately upon deobligation become available to the implementing official for obligation for such purpose. The further obligation of such funds by such official for such purpose shall not be delayed, directly or indirectly, in any manner by any officer or employee in the executive branch.“SEC. 4496. TIME PERIODS FOR APPLICATION AND INITIATION OF TRAINING.“Assistance may not be paid to an employer under this subtitle—“(1) on behalf of an eligible person who initially applies for a program of job training under this subtitle after September 30, 1996; or“(2) for any such program which begins after March 31, 1997.“SEC. 4497. TREATMENT OF CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF LAW UPON TRANSFER OF AMOUNTS PROVIDED UNDER THIS ACT.“(a)Contingent Amendment.—If a transfer is made in accordance with section 4501(c) of the full amount of the amount provided under section 4495(a) for the program established under section 4484(a), then, effective as of the date of the enactment of this Act [Oct. 23, 1992], the first sentence of section 4484(a) is amended by striking ‘the Secretary shall carry out’ and inserting ‘the Secretary may carry out’.“(b)Publication in the Federal Register.—If the transfer described in subsection (a) is made, then the Secretary of Defense shall promptly publish in the Federal Register a notice of such transfer. Such notice shall specify the date on which such transfer occurred.”
[[Pub. L. 103–446, title VI, § 610(a)(2)(B)], Nov. 2, 1994, [108 Stat. 4673], provided that: “The amendment made by subparagraph (A) [amending [section 4486(d)(2) of Pub. L. 102–484], set out above] shall apply with respect to programs of training under the Service Members Occupational Conversion and Training Act of 1992 [subtitle G of title XLIV of [Pub. L. 102–484], set out above] beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act [Nov. 2, 1994].”
[For transfer of authorities, functions, personnel, and assets of the Coast Guard, including the authorities and functions of the Secretary of Transportation relating thereto, to the Department of Homeland Security, and for treatment of related references, see sections 468(b), 551(d), 552(d), and 557 of Title 6, Domestic Security, and the Department of Homeland Security Reorganization Plan of November 25, 2002, as modified, set out as a note under [section 542 of Title 6].]