Section 1878yy, [Pub. L. 91–682, § 1], Jan. 12, 1971, [84 Stat. 2066], authorized extension of loans, subject to appropriate terms and conditions, of one submarine to Greece and Pakistan (authorized under sections 1878q to 1878x of this Appendix).
Section 1878zz, [Pub. L. 91–682, § 2], Jan. 12, 1971, [84 Stat. 2066], authorized additional loans of two destroyer escorts to Republic of Vietnam and two destroyers and two submarines to Turkish Government, with or without reimbursement, subject to appropriate terms and conditions, provided for the charging of activation, rehabilitation, and outfitting expenses to funds programed for recipient government as grant military assistance under provisions of Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, or successor legislation, or to funds provided by the recipient government, and prescribed Dec. 31, 1971, as termination date for executive exercise of naval vessel loan authority under this section.
Section 1878zz–1, [Pub. L. 91–682, § 3], Jan. 12, 1971, [84 Stat. 2066], authorized new loans and loan extensions for five year periods, and additional five year extensions, terminable for acts of warfare by armed forces of borrowing country against a country party to a mutual defense treaty ratified by the United States and earlier because of defense requirements of the United States.
Section 1878zz–2, [Pub. L. 91–682, § 4], Jan. 12, 1971, [84 Stat. 2067], required Secretary of Defense to determine loans or extension of loans to be in best interest of United States and to report loans or extensions to Congress.
Section 1878zz–3, [Pub. L. 91–682, § 5], Jan. 12, 1971, [84 Stat. 2067], authorized promulgation of rules and regulations.