§ 368 to 368b. Transferred  

Latest version.



Section 368, act Mar. 2, 1887, ch. 314, § 3, 24 Stat. 441, as amended, was transferred to section 361c of this title. For provisions of section 368 which provided for assistance and advice by the Secretary of Agriculture, see section 361g of this title.

Section 368a, act Mar. 2, 1887, ch. 314, § 5, 24 Stat. 441, as amended, was transferred to section 361e of this title. For provisions of section 368a which authorized appropriations for investigations and experiments, see sections 361c and 361d of this title.

Section 368b, act Mar. 8, 1887, ch. 314, § 9, 24 Stat, 442, as amended, was transferred to section 361i of this title. Former provisions of section 368b making grants of money authorized by section 368a of this title subject to the legislative assent of the States and Territories were eliminated from section 361i.