§ 329. Additional appropriation for agricultural colleges

Latest version.
  • In order to provide for the more complete endowment and support of the colleges in the several States, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands entitled to the benefits of this subchapter and subchapter I of this title, there are authorized to be appropriated annually, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the following amounts: (a) For the first fiscal year beginning after the date of enactment of this Act, and for each fiscal year thereafter, $8,250,000; and (b) For the first fiscal year beginning after the date of enactment of this Act, and for each fiscal year thereafter, $4,380,000.

    The sums appropriated in pursuance of paragraph (a) of this section shall be paid annually to the several States, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands in equal shares. The sums appropriated in pursuance of paragraph (b) of this section shall be in addition to sums appropriated in pursuance of paragraph (a) of this section and shall be allotted and paid annually to each of the several States, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands in the proportion to which the total population of each State, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands bears to the total population of all the States, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands as determined by the last preceding decennial census. Sums appropriated in pursuance of this section shall be in addition to sums appropriated or authorized under this subchapter and subchapter I of this title, and shall be applied only for the purposes of the colleges defined in such subchapters. The provisions of law applicable to the use and payment of sums under this subchapter shall apply to the use and payment of sums appropriated in pursuance of this section.

(June 29, 1935, ch. 338, title II, § 22, 49 Stat. 439; June 12, 1952, ch. 419, §§ 1–4, 66 Stat. 135, 136; Pub. L. 86–658, July 14, 1960, 74 Stat. 525; Pub. L. 89–791, title I, § 108(a), Nov. 7, 1966, as added Pub. L. 90–354, § 1, June 20, 1968, 82 Stat. 241; Pub. L. 92–318, title V, § 506(d), June 23, 1972, 86 Stat. 350; Pub. L. 99–396, § 9(d), Aug. 27, 1986, 100 Stat. 840.)

References In Text

References in Text

The words “date of enactment of this Act” appear in par. (a) of section 22 of act June 29, 1935, which was approved on June 29, 1935, and also in pars. (a) and (b) of section 22 of act June 29, 1935, as amended by Pub. L. 86–658, which was approved on July 14, 1960.



Section was not enacted as part of the act Aug. 30, 1890, which comprises this subchapter.

Section was formerly classified to section 343d of this title.



1986—Pub. L. 99–396 substituted “Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands” for “and Guam” in five places, “$8,250,000” for “$8,100,000”, and “$4,380,000” for “$4,360,000”.

1972—Pub. L. 92–318 inserted references to Virgin Islands and Guam, and substituted “$8,100,000” and “$4,360,000” for “$7,800,000” and “$4,320,000”, respectively.

1968—Pub. L. 89–791, as added by Pub. L. 90–354, increased authorization for annual appropriations for Federal grants to States for support of resident teaching in land-grant colleges and universities from an authorization of $7,650,000 to $7,800,000, allocated equally among the States, and from an authorization of $4,300,000, allotted on basis of relative State population, to $4,320,000.

1960—Pub. L. 86–658 increased authorization for annual appropriations for Federal grants to States for support of resident teaching in land-grant colleges and universities from an authorization of $1,000,000, allocated equally among the States, to $7,650,000, and from an authorization of $1,501,500, allotted on basis of relative State population, to $4,300,000, struck out references to Territories of Alaska and Hawaii as now included in term “States” and included Puerto Rico in provisions of section.

1952—Opening par. Act June 12, 1952, § 1, made section applicable to Alaska.

Par. (a). Act June 12, 1952, § 2, increased allotment from $980,000 to $1,000,000.

Par. (b). Act June 12, 1952, §§ 3, 4, increased additional allotment of $1,500,000 to $1,501,500, and made said par. applicable to Alaska.

Effective Date Of Amendment

Effective Date of 1972 Amendment

Amendment by Pub. L. 92–318 effective after June 30, 1970, see section 506(n) of Pub. L. 92–318, set out as an Effective Date note under section 326a of this title.

Effective Date of 1952 Amendment

Act June 12, 1952, ch. 419, § 5, 66 Stat. 136, provided that: “The amendments made by this Act [amending this section] shall take effect on the first day of the first fiscal year beginning on or after the date of enactment of this Act [June 12, 1952].”