§ 703. Administrative provisions  

Latest version.
  • (a)Executive Reorganization.—Chapter 9 of title 5, United States Code, shall apply to the Board in the same manner as it does to an independent regulatory agency, and the Board shall be an establishment of the United States Government. (b)Open Meetings.—For purposes of section 552b of title 5, United States Code, the Board shall be deemed to be an agency. (c)Independence.—In the performance of their functions, the members, employees, and other personnel of the Board shall not be responsible to or subject to the supervision or direction of any officer, employee, or agent of any other part of the Department of Transportation. (d)Representation by Attorneys.—Attorneys designated by the Chairman of the Board may appear for, and represent the Board in, any civil action brought in connection with any function carried out by the Board pursuant to this chapter or subtitle IV or as otherwise authorized by law. (e)Admission To Practice.—Subject to section 500 of title 5, the Board may regulate the admission of individuals to practice before it and may impose a reasonable admission fee. (f)Budget Requests.—In each annual request for appropriations by the President, the Secretary of Transportation shall identify the portion thereof intended for the support of the Board and include a statement by the Board—(1) showing the amount requested by the Board in its budgetary presentation to the Secretary and the Office of Management and Budget; and(2) an assessment of the budgetary needs of the Board. (g)Direct Transmittal to Congress.—The Board shall transmit to Congress copies of budget estimates, requests, and information (including personnel needs), legislative recommendations, prepared testimony for congressional hearings, and comments on legislation at the same time they are sent to the Secretary of Transportation. An officer of an agency may not impose conditions on or impair communications by the Board with Congress, or a committee or Member of Congress, about the information.
(Added Pub. L. 104–88, title II, § 201(a), Dec. 29, 1995, 109 Stat. 934.)