§ 57107. Vessels for other agencies  

Latest version.
  • (a)In General.—The Secretary of Transportation may construct, reconstruct, repair, equip, and outfit, by contract or otherwise, vessels or parts thereof, for any other department or agency of the United States Government to the extent the other department or agency is authorized by law to do so for its own account. (b)Effect on Contract Authorization.—An obligation incurred or expenditure made by the Secretary under this section does not affect any contract authorization of the Secretary, but instead shall be charged against the existing appropriation or contract authorization of the department or agency.
(Pub. L. 109–304, § 8(c), Oct. 6, 2006, 120 Stat. 1661.)

Historical And Revision

Historical and Revision Notes



Source (U.S. Code)

Source (Statutes at Large)


46 App.:1125a.

Feb. 6, 1941, ch. 5, § 4, 55 Stat. 6; Pub. L. 97–31, § 12(74), Aug. 6, 1981, 95 Stat. 160.

In subsection (b), the words “heretofore or hereafter”, “diminish or otherwise”, and “and, to the amount of such obligation or expenditure, diminish” are omitted as unnecessary.