§ 8454. Study of compliance problem of small electric utility systems  

Latest version.
  • (a) Study

    The Secretary shall conduct a study of the problems of compliance with this chapter experienced by those electric utility systems which have a total system generating capacity of less than 2,000 megawatts. The Secretary shall report his findings and his recommendations to the Congress not later than 2 years after the effective date of this chapter.

    (b) Authorization of appropriations

    There is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary for the fiscal year 1979 not to exceed $500,000 to carry out the provisions of this section.

(Pub. L. 95–620, title VII, § 744, Nov. 9, 1978, 92 Stat. 3343.)

References In Text

References in Text

This chapter, referred to in subsec. (a), was in the original “this Act”, meaning Pub. L. 95–620, Nov. 9, 1978, 92 Stat. 3289, known as the Powerplant and Industrial Fuel Use Act of 1978, which is classified principally to this chapter. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 8301 of this title and Tables.

The effective date of this chapter, referred to in subsec. (a), is the effective date of Pub. L. 95–620. See section 901 of Pub. L. 95–620, set out as an Effective Date note under section 8301 of this title.