§ 5116f. Performance measures  

Latest version.
  • A State receiving a grant under this subchapter, through reports provided to the Secretary— (1) shall demonstrate the effective development, operation, and expansion of community-based and prevention-focused programs and activities designed to strengthen and support families to prevent child abuse and neglect that meets the requirements of this subchapter; (2) shall supply an inventory and description of the services provided to families by local programs that meet identified community needs, including core and optional services as described in section 5116a of this title which description shall specify whether those services are supported by research; (3) shall demonstrate that they will have addressed unmet needs identified by the inventory and description of current services required under section 5116d(3) of this title; (4) shall describe the number of families served, including families with children with disabilities, and parents with disabilities, and the involvement of a diverse representation of families in the design, operation, and evaluation of community-based and prevention-focused programs and activities designed to strengthen and support families to prevent child abuse and neglect, and in the design, operation, and evaluation of the networks of such community-based and prevention-focused programs; (5) shall demonstrate a high level of satisfaction among families who have used the services of the community-based and prevention-focused programs and activities designed to strengthen and support families to prevent child abuse and neglect; (6) shall demonstrate the establishment or maintenance of innovative funding mechanisms, at the State or community level, that blend Federal, State, local, and private funds, and innovative, interdisciplinary service delivery mechanisms, for the development, operation, expansion, and enhancement of the community-based and prevention-focused programs and activities designed to strengthen and support families to prevent child abuse and neglect; (7) shall describe the results of evaluation, or the outcomes of monitoring, conducted under the State program to demonstrate the effectiveness of activities conducted under this subchapter in meeting the purposes of the program; and (8) shall demonstrate an implementation plan to ensure the continued leadership of parents in the on-going planning, implementation, and evaluation of such community-based and prevention-focused programs and activities designed to strengthen and support families to prevent child abuse and neglect.
(Pub. L. 93–247, title II, § 206, formerly § 207, as added Pub. L. 104–235, title I, § 121, Oct. 3, 1996, 110 Stat. 3086; amended Pub. L. 108–36, title I, § 127, June 25, 2003, 117 Stat. 817; renumbered § 206 and amended Pub. L. 111–320, title I, §§ 137, 141, Dec. 20, 2010, 124 Stat. 3481, 3482.)

Prior Provisions

Prior Provisions

A prior section 5116f, Pub. L. 93–247, title II, § 207, formerly Pub. L. 98–473, title IV, § 408, Oct. 12, 1984, 98 Stat. 2199; renumbered § 207 of Pub. L. 93–247, and amended Pub. L. 101–126, §§ 2(a), 3(a)(3), (c)(1), 4(g), Oct. 25, 1989, 103 Stat. 764, 766, 768, related to audits of grant recipients, prior to the general amendment of this subchapter by Pub. L. 103–252, § 401(a).

A prior section 206 of Pub. L. 93–247 was renumbered section 205 and is classified to section 5116e of this title.

Another prior section 206 of Pub. L. 93–247 was classified to section 5116e of this title prior to the general amendment of this subchapter by Pub. L. 103–252, § 401(a).



2010—Par. (1). Pub. L. 111–320, § 137(1), inserted a comma after “operation”.

Par. (2). Pub. L. 111–320, § 137(2), inserted “which description shall specify whether those services are supported by research” after “section 5116a of this title”.

Par. (3). Pub. L. 111–320, § 137(3)(A), which directed the making of a technical amendment in par. (4) to a reference in the original act which appears in text as a reference to section 5116d(3) of this title, was executed by making the technical amendment to such reference in par. (3) to reflect the probable intent of Congress.

Par. (4). Pub. L. 111–320, § 137(3)(B), which directed amendment of par. (4) by inserting a comma after “operation”, was executed by making the insertion after “operation” the second place appearing to reflect the probable intent of Congress.

Par. (6). Pub. L. 111–320, § 137(4), inserted a comma after “local” and after “expansion”.

Par. (7). Pub. L. 111–320, § 137(5), substituted “the results of evaluation, or the outcomes of monitoring, conducted under the State program to demonstrate the effectiveness of activities conducted under this subchapter in meeting the purposes of the program; and” for “the results of a peer review process conducted under the State program; and”.

2003—Par. (1). Pub. L. 108–36, § 127(1), substituted “community-based and prevention-focused programs and activities designed to strengthen and support families to prevent child abuse and neglect” for “a Statewide network of community-based, prevention-focused, family resource and support programs”.

Par. (3). Pub. L. 108–36, § 127(2), added par. (3) and struck out former par. (3) which read as follows: “shall demonstrate the establishment of new respite care and other specific new family resources services, and the expansion of existing services, to address unmet needs identified by the inventory and description of current services required under section 5116d(3) of this title;”.

Par. (4). Pub. L. 108–36, § 127(3), inserted “and parents with disabilities,” after “children with disabilities,” and substituted “evaluation of community-based and prevention-focused programs and activities designed to strengthen and support families to prevent child abuse and neglect, and in the design, operation and evaluation of the networks of such community-based and prevention-focused programs” for “evaluation of the Statewide network of community-based, prevention-focused, family resource and support programs, and in the design, operation and evaluation of the individual community-based family resource and support programs that are part of the Statewide network funded under this subchapter”.

Par. (5). Pub. L. 108–36, § 127(4), substituted “and prevention-focused programs and activities designed to strengthen and support families to prevent child abuse and neglect” for “, prevention-focused, family resource and support programs”.

Par. (6). Pub. L. 108–36, § 127(5), substituted “community-based and prevention-focused programs and activities designed to strengthen and support families to prevent child abuse and neglect” for “Statewide network of community-based, prevention-focused, family resource and support programs”.

Par. (8). Pub. L. 108–36, § 127(6), substituted “community-based and prevention-focused programs and activities designed to strengthen and support families to prevent child abuse and neglect” for “community based, prevention-focused, family resource and support programs”.