§ 3789e. Report to President and Congress  

Latest version.
  • Not later than April 1 of each year, the Assistant Attorney General, the Director of the Bureau of Justice Assistance, the Director of the Bureau of Justice Statistics, and the Director of the National Institute of Justice shall each submit a report to the President and to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate, on their activities under this chapter during the fiscal year next preceding such date.

(Pub. L. 90–351, title I, § 810, formerly § 816, as added Pub. L. 96–157, § 2, Dec. 27, 1979, 93 Stat. 1209; renumbered § 810 and amended Pub. L. 98–473, title II, § 609B(f), (i), Oct. 12, 1984, 98 Stat. 2093, 2095.)

Prior Provisions

Prior Provisions

A prior section 810 of Pub. L. 90–351 was classified to section 3788 of this title prior to repeal by section 609B(e) of Pub. L. 98–473.



1984—Pub. L. 98–473, § 609B(i), substituted requirement of individual reports by certain officials of listed agencies to the President and the Speaker of the House and President of the Senate for former subsec. (a) through (e) provisions which included requirement of an annual report on or before March 31 of each year to the President and Committees on the Judiciary of the Senate and the House, including description of scope of coverage; report covering receipt and compilation of evaluations, statistics, and performance reports, comprehensive statistics, analyses, and findings respecting attainment of described objectives; plan for collection, analysis, and evaluation of data for measurement of progress in prescribed and additional areas, definition of “comprehensive statistics” and “reasonably expected contribution”; attainment of reasonably expected contribution in prescribed and added areas; and data collection, including minimum duplication.

Effective Date Of Amendment

Effective Date of 1984 Amendment

Amendment by section 609B(i) of Pub. L. 98–473 effective Oct. 12, 1984, see section 609AA(a) of Pub. L. 98–473, set out as an Effective Date note under section 3711 of this title.

Transfer Of Functions

Transfer of Functions

Effective Aug. 1, 2000, all functions of Director of Bureau of Justice Assistance, other than those enumerated in section 3742(3) to (6) of this title, transferred to Assistant Attorney General for Office of Justice Programs, see section 1000(a)(1) [title I, § 108(b)] of Pub. L. 106–113, set out as a note under section 3741 of this title.