§ 300ee–11. Establishment of program  

Latest version.
  • (a) Allotments for States

    For the purpose described in subsection (b) of this section, the Secretary shall for each of the fiscal years 1989 through 1991 make an allotment for each State in an amount determined in accordance with section 300ee–17 of this title. The Secretary shall make payments each such fiscal year to each State from the allotment for the State if the Secretary approves for the fiscal year involved an application submitted by the State pursuant to section 300ee–13 of this title.

    (b) Purpose of grants

    The Secretary may not make payments under subsection (a) of this section for a fiscal year unless the State involved agrees to expend the payments only for the purpose of carrying out, in accordance with section 300ee–12 of this title, public information activities with respect to acquired immune deficiency syndrome.

(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XXV, formerly title XV, § 2501, as added Pub. L. 100–607, title II, § 221, Nov. 4, 1988, 102 Stat. 3093; renumbered title XXV, Pub. L. 101–93, § 5(e)(1), Aug. 16, 1989, 103 Stat. 612.)

Prior Provisions

Prior Provisions

A prior section 2501 of act July 1, 1944, was successively renumbered by subsequent acts, see section 238 of this title.