§ 2296b–7. Definitions

Latest version.
  • For purposes of this part: (1) The term “Corporation” means the United States Enrichment Corporation established under section 2297b of this title or its successor. (2) The term “country of origin” means—(A) with respect to uranium, that country where the uranium was mined;(B) with respect to enriched uranium, that country where the uranium was mined and enriched; or(C) with respect to enrichment services, that country where the enrichment services were performed. (3) The term “domestic origin” refers to any uranium that has been mined in the United States including uranium recovered from uranium deposits in the United States by underground mining, open-pit mining, strip mining, in situ recovery, leaching, and ion recovery, or recovered from phosphoric acid manufactured in the United States. (4) The term “domestic uranium producer” means a person or entity who produces domestic uranium and who has, to the extent required by State and Federal agencies having jurisdiction, licenses and permits for the operation, decontamination, decommissioning, and reclamation of sites, structures and equipment. (5) The term “non-affiliated” refers to a seller who does not control, and is not controlled by or under common control with, the buyer. (6) The term “overfeed” means to use uranium in the enrichment process in excess of the amount required at the transactional tails assay. (7) The term “utility regulatory authority” means any State agency or Federal agency that has ratemaking authority with respect to the sale of electric energy by any electric utility or independent power producer. For purposes of this paragraph, the terms “electric utility”, “State agency”, “Federal agency”, and “ratemaking authority” have the respective meanings given such terms in section 2602 of title 16.
(Pub. L. 102–486, title X, § 1018, Oct. 24, 1992, 106 Stat. 2950; Pub. L. 104–134, title III, § 3117(b), Apr. 26, 1996, 110 Stat. 1321–350.)

References In Text

References in Text

Section 2297b of this title, referred to in par. (1), was repealed by Pub. L. 104–134, title III, § 3116(a)(1), Apr. 26, 1996, 110 Stat. 1321–349.



Section was enacted as part of the Energy Policy Act of 1992, and not as part of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 which comprises this chapter.



1996—Par. (1). Pub. L. 104–134 inserted “or its successor” before period at end.