§ 3706. NSF ocean acidification activities  

Latest version.
  • (a) Research activitiesThe Director of the National Science Foundation shall continue to carry out research activities on ocean acidification which shall support competitive, merit-based, peer-reviewed proposals for research and monitoring of ocean acidification and its impacts, including—(1) impacts on marine organisms and marine ecosystems;(2) impacts on ocean, coastal, and estuarine biogeochemistry; and(3) the development of methodologies and technologies to evaluate ocean acidification and its impacts. (b) Consistency

    The research activities shall be consistent with the strategic research plan developed by the Subcommittee under section 3704 of this title.

    (c) Coordination

    The Director shall encourage coordination of the Foundation’s ocean acidification activities with such activities of other nations and international organizations.

(Pub. L. 111–11, title XII, § 12407, Mar. 30, 2009, 123 Stat. 1441.)