§ 526. Mining and Leasing Act operations  

Latest version.
  • (a) Multiple use

    Where the same lands are being utilized for mining operations and Leasing Act operations, each of such operations shall be conducted, so far as reasonably practicable, in a manner compatible with such multiple use.

    (b) Mining operations to avoid damage to mineral deposits and interference with mineral operations

    Any mining operations pursuant to rights under any unpatented or patented mining claim or millsite which shall be subject to a reservation to the United States of Leasing Act minerals as provided in this chapter, shall be conducted, so far as reasonably practicable, in a manner which will avoid damage to any known deposit of any Leasing Act mineral. Subject to the provisions of subsection (d) of this section, mining operations shall be so conducted as not to endanger or materially interfere with any existing surface or underground improvements, workings, or facilities which may have been made for the purpose of Leasing Act operations, or with the utilization of such improvements, workings, or facilities.

    (c) Leasing Act operations to avoid damage to mineral deposits and interference with mining operations

    Any Leasing Act operations on lands covered by an unpatented or patented mining claim or millsite which shall be subject to a reservation to the United States of Leasing Act minerals as provided in this chapter shall be conducted, so far as reasonably practicable, in a manner which will avoid damage to any known deposit of any mineral not so reserved from such mining claim or millsite. Subject to the provisions of subsection (d) of this section, Leasing Act operations shall be so conducted as not to endanger or materially interfere with any existing surface or underground improvements, workings, or facilities which may have been made for the purpose of mining operations, or with the utilization of such improvements, workings, or facilities.

    (d) Damage or interference permitted by court

    If, upon petition of either the mining operator or the Leasing Act operator, any court of competent jurisdiction shall find that a particular use in connection with one of such operations cannot be reasonably and properly conducted without endangering or materially interfering with the then existing improvements, workings, or facilities of the other of such operations or with the utilization thereof, and shall find that under the conditions and circumstances, as they then appear, the injury or damage which would result from denial of such particular use would outweigh the injury or damage which would result to such then existing improvements, workings, or facilities or from interference with the utilization thereof if that particular use were allowed, then and in such event such court may permit such use upon payment (or upon furnishing of security determined by the court to be adequate to secure payment) to the party or parties who would be thus injured or damaged, of an amount to be fixed by the court as constituting fair compensation for the then reasonably contemplated injury or damage which would result to such then existing improvements, workings, or facilities or from interference with the utilization thereof by reason of the allowance of such particular use.

    (e) Information regarding operations to be furnished on request

    Where the same lands are being utilized for mining operations and Leasing Act operations, then upon request of the party conducting either of said operations, the party conducting the other of said operations shall furnish to and at the expense of such requesting party copies of any information which said other party may have, as to the situs of any improvements, workings, or facilities theretofore made upon such lands, and upon like request, shall permit such requesting party, at the risk of such requesting party, to have access at reasonable times to any such improvements, workings, or facilities for the purpose of surveying and checking or determining the situs thereof. If damage to or material interference with a party’s improvements, workings, facilities, or with the utilization thereof shall result from such party’s failure, after request, to so furnish to the requesting party such information or from denial of such access, such failure or denial shall relieve the requesting party of any liability for the damage or interference resulting by reason of such failure or denial. Failure of a party to furnish requested information or access shall not impose upon such party any liability to the requesting party other than for such costs of court and attorney’s fees as may be allowed to the requesting party in enforcing by court action the obligations of this section as to the furnishing of information and access. The obligation hereunder of any party to furnish requested information shall be limited to map and survey information then available to such party with respect to the situs of improvements, workings, and facilities and the furnishing thereof shall not be deemed to constitute any representation as to the accuracy of such information.

(Aug. 13, 1954, ch. 730, § 6, 68 Stat. 710.)